I really struggle with this issue; how do you punish a young man, assuming he did it, without destroying his life? Before anyone suggests I am condoning hitting a woman, I am not. But I came from a very violent background where hitting was common, sometimes initiated by females, usually finished by males. Was it right, no! But it was learned behavior. I was very lucky. I managed to find an environment (ironically the military) at a young age where I was taught other ways to handle these situations. If I had taken a wrong turn at that age I might have found myself in his situation.
My concern is that the public only wants to allow one outcome for someone who makes a mistake, "the death penalty". You see it more and more where these things get publicized. Once the media gets hold of it there is only one outcome that is acceptable; either he is innocent or he gets the death penalty. And for some of these young men it is the death penalty as far as their future is concerned.
There has to be a better way. I don't have the answers, and neither do the posters on this forum, all filled with righteous indignation one side or the other.
There, I ranted, and I do not feel any better about this!