From AU Rivals a few minutes ago -
Copiah-Lincoln (Miss.) OL Xavier Dampeer and Miss. Gulf Coast S Derrick Moncrief say they have signed with Auburn this morning.
We're still waiting on word regarding D'haquille Williams and DaVonte Lambert.
OFFICIAL word from Auburn regarding NLI's won't come until they're all in.
I've never understood those comparisons either. Both recruitments were different. Gabe Wright was uncommitted until NSD. Lawson was committed to Auburn and entertained the thought of coming here but stuck with his original commitment. Lambert has been committed to UT for several months now. Regardless of what he decides, this would be a different set of circumstances.
-247, Callahan
FWIW, they were saying the same kind of stuff when Lambert originally committed, and VQ had a video interview talking about his commitment that was recorded 3 weeks prior.
It would be nice to get an extra "All Vol", but there is no reason to believe the 247 Tennessee guys have a great feel on this recruitment.