I'm not an insider, but I do hear things around the K-town area from so people I know. What I've heard is, Sapp is one of the highest OLB on our board. What I think this staff has in mind is this:
Try to obtain another OLB. Taylor may get this role, but I believe we want him as a DE pass rusher. I think Walker, DeBerry, and Sapp have been on our board from the get go. I think we wanted Walker very badly, but his home state was to much for us to over come. Our staff likes Sapp, a lot. If he wants to be here, he will be here. I think JJ could see a move back to DE if Bryant/Kirkland ball out, which they will. Bryant is huge now. I won't be surprised if he's the starting MLB come O&W game. Bates will be one to watch as well. I'm not sure he moves to MLB, but I could see him and Kirkland playing the MLB spot in 4-2-5 sets. Both are great athletes. Wouldn't write Bynum off either just yet. JJ is the wild card. Kids has a huge heart, he works hard, but I don't see him as our future MLB.