15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Wealth And Inequality In America

No. It wouldn't. We didn't have one until the oil crisis of the 70's. Before that, those functions were performed by other depts... I think commerce was one.

That dept has never been justified. It was a knee jerk liberal reaction to a problem... throw money at the problem and hope it solves itself.

It provides next to zero tangible benefit.

So your response to removing the DOE is to give it's responsibilities to other agencies. It's still going to the same funding. Most of the funding goes to nuclear bombs, materials, and cleanup anyways; none of which would be cut. That is if you wanted to remove the funding for green technology, it would be a very small portion.
yes i am aware, that's why trippling it and making every lawyer in the country rich woudl torpedo our economy.

I don't think it would happen... but it doesn't matter since it will never happen anyway. Too many people enjoying too much power would lose.
You mean mature... as in right before they fail, right?

If we do not produce, mine, invent, or improve things... we will not generate real wealth nor be able to sustain our economy. That is the actual story of the history you cite.

no mature means not 3rd world. gone are the days when our people are making things and that's a good thing unless we want to drop our median income down to italian levels.

we do produce, invent, and improve things. there is no evidence those things have to be toasters or microchips. they just have to be things the world wants and that is something the US has done throughout history. see google.
So your response to removing the DOE is to give it's responsibilities to other agencies.
Partly. Privatize most of it.
It's still going to the same funding. Most of the funding goes to nuclear bombs, materials, and cleanup anyways; none of which would be cut. That is if you wanted to remove the funding for green technology, it would be a very small portion.

Why isn't the DoD paying for bombs? Why aren't nuclear power plants paying for their own clean ups?

No. The funding does not need to be the same and you certainly do not need a separate cabinet level secretary with a complete staff to manage the actual operations portion of what they do.
I don't think it would happen... but it doesn't matter since it will never happen anyway. Too many people enjoying too much power would lose.

what's this power garbage? i have power over my employer because i drive a significant amount of revenue. you make your own power. arguing there is some system that screws the little guy is loser talk. no one in this country is forced to work for anyone. the days of indentured servitude are long gone. you get paid what you are worth. that is the core of our great country.
someone needs to watch wall street :)

as for money being the root of all evil i'd love to see a church that survives and thrives without $$$$. man is nothing without motivation. motivation for money, love, whatever. make sure a certain % of people earn a living no matter what the effort and you take away that motivation. make sure a certain % of people can only make so much money and you take away the motivation to create new and greater things. there is no coincidence that this country has produced the overwelming majority of the greatest medical advances in the world while those countries who regulate the cost have produced nothing. this is human nature. ignoring it is just plain silly.
you do like to cherrypick. THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL. Get it right. Makes you look bad when you don't. Are you gonna answer the question about what is Teldar Paper& what is your concern with it, or are you just gonna try to play all superior because someone has never heard of a company located 1700 miles from where they live? My church pays the bills, supports missionaries, and meets the needs of the less fortunate. We don't try to turn a profit.
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you do like to cherrypick. THE LOVE OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL. Get it right. Makes you look bad when you don't. Are you gonna answer the question about what is Teldar Paper& what is your concern with it, or are you just gonna try to play all superior because someone has never heard of a company located 1700 miles from where they love?
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the last line was from the movie wall street. it was a joke. even though i agree with the theory.

The love of money is the root of everything wonderful and great about this country and humanity. we want to be the best. to have the most. this is why drives innovation. would we attract the best and brightest from india and china if we didn't give people the opportunity to be rich? of course not.
Money is not the root of all evil. Thats just preacher talk. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are donating the majority of their billions to various charities.

The Devil is the root of all evil
you see the loss of the jobs, while i see an inefficient use of our labor force. these are bad economic times, but history has shown us that new industries appear in these times. you assume some sort of zero sum game where jobs lost in one industry are never recovered. creating an environment that keeps inefficient jobs of this variety only prevents these people from retraining and moving to industries that actually need them. this type of short term thinking is exactly what torpedoed japans economy in the 90s. the ability to fire and hire people as you see fit is the core of long term economic growth. we want people moving forward and the US dominating the new new thing, not focusing on the industries important 40 years ago. we'll surely be left behind by those countries that encourage innovation if we implement your strategy.
In other words, you see people as a commodity to use for your benefit and a means to make money not as human beings. You are a sad little person that is representative of why the working class hates people like you. It is possible to make a living and treat people with dignity.
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Money is not the root of all evil. Thats just preacher talk. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are donating the majority of their billions to various charities.

The Devil is the root of all evil
No that is a bible quote. It is not saying that everyone with money is evil. You have some that are socially conscious with their success and others like the Cal guy that would smack their momma's teeth out if that would make them a buck.
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I think Droski was making a very general point that, in general, is true and should not be used to derail a perfectly good thread.

edit: In all actuality, it was a quote/reference that really doesn't matter.
No that is a bible quote. It is not saying that everyone with money is evil. You have some that are socially conscious with their success and others like the Cal guy that would smack their momma's teeth out if that would make them a buck.
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actually the bible quote says "For the love of money is the root of all evil" Not "Money is the root of all evil"
I think Droski was making a very general point that, in general, is true and should not be used to derail a perfectly good thread.

edit: In all actuality, it was a quote/reference that really doesn't matter.
I give respect when respect is given. I don't when it's not. I get really blunt. A recognized flaw I have.
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sorry i must have misread, I guess I am too busy being evil and greedy Daytrading $40K worth of Apple stock

No prob. Good luck on your trading. Hope you have success. Not all monetary pursuits are evil and money is not evil... have a good one, sir. I like your sense of humor. And go Cowboys! Just kiddin.
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In other words, you see people as a commodity to use for your benefit and a means to make money not as human beings. You are a sad little person that is representative of why the working class hates people like you. It is possible to make a living and treat people with dignity.
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wow talk about being an amaetuer phycologist. no one is being exploited or starved to death here. the working class need to man up and stop complaining. then they can become more than they are. stop blaming other people for your problems.
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No that is a bible quote. It is not saying that everyone with money is evil. You have some that are socially conscious with their success and others like the Cal guy that would smack their momma's teeth out if that would make them a buck.
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who are you to decide what's "socially conscious" and what isn't? who made you judge and jurry?
wow talk about being an amaetuer phycologist. no one is being exploited or starved to death here. the working class need to man up and stop complaining. then they can become more than they are. stop blaming other people for your problems.

I don't have problems as they relate to money. Your views represent the exact opposite of my beliefs. No further need to continue the conversation. You have reinforced my opinions on the worker/management debate & I yours probably. Just remember that workers allow you to enjoy your success as a manager and workers need managers. Treat your workforce with respect & they will more likely than not produce more for you. Have a nice life. Hope you never find yourself in a situation that you have bad mouthed here.
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In other words, you see people as a commodity to use for your benefit and a means to make money not as human beings. You are a sad little person that is representative of why the working class hates people like you. It is possible to make a living and treat people with dignity.
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what a load - Droski didn't say that.

this us vs them; rich vs poor; altruistic vs. greedy - all ways to divide us.
what a load - Droski didn't say that.

this us vs them; rich vs poor; altruistic vs. greedy - all ways to divide us.

When someone pulls the generalized "working class hate" card, not only is it LG style Joe Six work, you have left the realm of economic discussion and transitioned to politicized vote garnering jabber.

Campaign slogan tossing anyone? Tippecanoe and Tyler too?
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