Weber to UT is a pipe dream, it's not going to happen and IMO he'll stay closer to home. We also don't have to use a "package deal" with numbers being so tight. Leb endorses this message.
We are about to reach the point where our board has to become more "realstic". Doesn't mean we stop recruiting the likes of Van, Newsome, etc., but if a Love, etc. wanted to commit, we should take the commitment or move on. We all give LV a hard time about the numbers issue, but most of these random guys like Weber aren't an option for us right now. Realistically speaking, I'd say Love, Bussey, Kirkland, Ugo, Phillips, Martin, and Walker are our best bets right now.
I'd say Van, Newsome (landing Phillips and Ugo may help), Vaughn, Atkinson (landing Walker may help), Kelly, Weber, and Colbert are long shots at the moment. I think Newsome and Atkinson are our best bets in this bunch, especially if we sign Walker, Phillips, and Ugo.
We also have to watch and see what Jackson, Griffin, Oliver, Reid, Cherry, Miller, and Taylor do. Out of this bunch, Taylor is the most important IMO. Everyone else can probably be replaced, but I'd hate to lose any of these guys.