And instead of saying names... 3 stars will be the ones considered. I know Vol Nation thinks 3 stars are the best! We point to how many Bama gets, how many go to the NFL... Sadly 3 stars, are well, 3 stars. Someone always brings up the examples how good 3 stars can turn out to be. Heck, Chris Johnson was a 2 star (I know I will get many other examples like Cam Sutton). They're are an inordinate amount of 3 stars that stink because they are plain and simple scouted accordingly. However, 3 stars have a much bigger sample size. I would be willing to bet 5 and 4 stars have a much higher (serious) success rate (all conference, pro bowl... I know, of course they will) than 3 stars on avg if all the stats, numbers, and averages are put into play. More often than not, 2 and 3 star players are not good in regards with major conferences. Just telling like it is, as the SEC results the last decade can't be wrong. Statistics are Statistics. Hoo, boy... As usual bring on the few wonder 2 and 3 star players and all the 4 and 5 star players that were busts... I am sure the statistics on the whole sample size will say to take 2 and 3 star players without question!