'17 AL DE LaBryan Ray

I wonder if Butch underestimates the pull of other coaches and schools? I think there have been a handful of 5 star level players that Butch has left thinking he had gotten: Akers, Ray, Higgins, Von Bell, Carl Lawson, etc.

But, other coaches, schools, gift$, can change a young man's man.

Do you think Butch is overconfident in his recruiting ability? Or do you think that some players have led him on? Or some of both?
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Fair weather? Anyone who is still a fan is hardly a "fair weather fan"

When Butch was resurrecting us from being a perennial 5-7 team, everyone was firmly on the Butch train. Now he has a year where he doesn't meet your lofty expectations and everyone is ready to throw him under the bus. I want to see UT winning championships as much as anybody but I realize that we will never do that jumping from coach to coach like some crack head in need of a new fix. Butch is a good coach despite what some think but he has some learning to do as well. We can toss him but I think if we do, we will regret it in 5 to 10 years when he is winning championships at some other school and we are on our second or third coach since firing him. We are so quick to abandon players and coaches if they have a bad game or a bad season. We are the worst fans in CFB IMO. We are the best fans at the same time because we care so much about this team. It is our extreme personal investment that makes us the best and worst fans. Take the personal emotion out of it for a minute and tell me if you are truly disappointed with the direction of this football team. Investments usually don't increase constantly. They often have plateaus or even dips. If you abandon them at the first sign of a slow down you often miss out on huge returns in the future. I'm all in on this class and Butch for the long term. Until I see signs of serious neglect and decline I think Butch and, even more so, these kids that chose to be Vols, need our support and encouragement. They don't need our snide little remarks about how mediocre they are. They are Vols and that makes them ours. I love every player that suits up and gives their all for the Vols.

People on here are fair weather fans because they are ready to give up on this class, this team, before they have even had the first practice. Fans cheer until the clock reads 00:00 in the 4th quarter. They don't leave at half time. They stand ready to cheer ALL the players and inspire them to give their all for each other and the fans. Some of y'all didn't even wait until halftime. Y'all are outside the stadium scalping your tickets to opposing fans. Fair weather.
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So... This year negates the past couple of years when he closed big. SMH. Some of y'all are some fair weather fans I tell you that. I'm glad some of y'all aren't my parents. Get all A's and B's for years straight and then come home with a couple of C's and you're ready to kick me out of the house.

There's nothing fair weather about stating the truth. This is a below average class for Tennessee or any SEC school outside of maybe Miss. State, Vandy and Kentucky. We're still one of the winningest programs in college football, we have top 5 resources and facilities, and an amazing football town atmosphere.

People are pissed because we squandered a bid at the East because we lost to 2 bottom feeder teams like South Carolina and Vandy. People are pissed because we lost a lot of talent and really needed a strong close to recruiting in 2017.

And who cares if Butch landed back to back top 10 classes in 2014 and 2015, it didn't translate to him winning big in 2016 so what makes you think that's going to change with a below average class in 2017?

I'm over being called fair weather because I demand better than mediocre for Tennessee. Will I support these kids who just signed up to strap on that power T and wear the big orange? Hell yeah! But I want to see Tennessee win again, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.
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Got to have high expectations and goals otherwise you lose both on the field and off

I have high expectations. I also know that my kids might bring home a C on a paper one day and I know it won't be the end of the world. Ask them if they did their best. If their honest they'll say no. I'll say, alright then get back in there and do your best next time. I'll bet they bring home an A next time because I know what they are capable of and they do too.
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When Butch was resurrecting us from being a perennial 5-7 team, everyone was firmly on the Butch train. Now he has a year where he doesn't meet your lofty expectations and everyone is ready to throw him under the bus. I want to see UT winning championships as much as anybody but I realize that we will never do that jumping from coach to coach like some crack head in need of a new fix. Butch is a good coach despite what some think but he has some learning to do as well. We can toss him but I think if we do, we will regret it in 5 to 10 years when he is winning championships at some other school and we are on our second or third coach since firing him. We are so quick to abandon players and coaches if they have a bad game or a bad season. We are the worst fans in CFB IMO. We are the best fans at the same time because we care so much about this team. It is our extreme personal investment that makes us the best and worst fans. Take the personal emotion out of it for a minute and tell me if you are truly disappointed with the direction of this football team. Investments usually do increase constantly. They often have plateaus or even dips. If you abandon them at the first sign of a slow down you often miss out on huge returns in the future. I'm all in on this class and Butch for the long term. Until I see signs of serious neglect and decline I think Butch and, even more so, these kids that chose to be Vols, need our support and encouragement. They don't need our snide little remarks about how mediocre they are. They are Vols and that makes them ours. I love every player that suits up and gives their all for the Vols.

People on here are fair weather fans because they are ready to give up on this class, this team, before they have even had the first practice. Fans cheer until the clock reads 00:00 in the 4th quarter. They don't leave at half time. They stand ready to cheer ALL the players and inspire them to give their all for each other and the fans. Some of y'all didn't even wait until halftime. Y'all are outside the stadium scalping your tickets to opposing fans. Fair weather.

beating Vandy and a bad South Carolina team are lofty expectations? Shows how far we have fallen
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There's nothing fair weather about stating the truth. This is a below average class for Tennessee or any SEC school outside of maybe Miss. State, Vandy and Kentucky. We're still one of the winningest programs in college football, we have top 5 resources and facilities, and an amazing football town atmosphere.

People are pissed because we squandered a bid at the East because we lost to 2 bottom feeder teams like South Carolina and Vandy. People are pissed because we lost a lot of talent and really needed a strong close to recruiting in 2017.

And who cares if Butch landed back to back top 10 classes in 2014 and 2015, it didn't translate to him winning big in 2016 so what makes you think that's going to change with a below average class in 2017?

I'm over being called fair weather because I demand better than mediocre for Tennessee. Will I support these kids who just signed up to strap on that power T and wear the big orange? Hell yeah! But I want to see Tennessee win again, and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one.

Yes. We know why we are all upset. It has been spouted ad nauseum for months now. All I am saying is the class is signed so what good comes from b****ing about it now. It is what it is and now we have to let the coaches develop them. We have some good coaches on our staff now and they should be able to do good things with these kids. Larry Scott is highly thought of. Robert Gillespie is one of the best. We should be moving on from Mahoney to Walt Wells so we'll see how that goes. Strip is top notch and we may be upgrading to Hoke who is a killer on the recruiting trail. Thig is still a good recruiter and if he has bought into Shoops D then we should see improvement there. Charlton Warren is going to do wonders with our DBs. Shoop is a good DC and has the resume to prove it. Top it all off with The Rock Gullickson in the weight room and we have a lot to be excited about. It is so much more fun to be excited than it is to wallow around in the pig **** that some on here seem to crave. Rinse off and come sit up on the fence with the rest of us so we can watch practice and take in all the good things going on.
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Come on people. The kid was never coming here. Home state. Family there. Bama wins every year. Contender for the national title every year. Head coach is the best ever and he's going nowhere. Start for them and you likely end up on an NFL roster. Other than immediate playing time, just what makes UT a more attractive option than the home state tide? Can UT offer any of those things? He!!, even our local stars don't choose UT sometimes. Kid will wait his turn, but he's gonna play and win for 4 years under the same head coach and his family won't be traveling too far to watch it all.
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Can't recruit with the big dogs if you have a coach that can't beat scar and vandy

He has beaten them. You try and beat them with half your team on crutches and out of shape. I give Butch plenty of blame but y'all act like he hasn't beaten Scar or Vandy before. This is the fair weather crap I am talking about.
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Hate this "he was never coming here anyway" crap. You guys are the ones who will never ask out the hot girl cause you're afraid of rejection.
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Yep, UT is a continual source of pain for us.


We beat SC and Vandy like we should've gators would've been watching us in SECCG. Butch does that again this year, losing games we shouldn't, will get him deep trouble next season. He may not survive a repeat performance.
He has beaten them. You try and beat them with half your team on crutches and out of shape. I give Butch plenty of blame but y'all act like he hasn't beaten Scar or Vandy before. This is the fair weather crap I am talking about.

He's never beaten WILL EFFING MUSCHAMP.

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Hate this "he was never coming here anyway" crap. You guys are the ones who will never ask out the hot girl cause you're afraid of rejection.

Depends on what the guy has to offer. If he's riding a bike and offering a Big Mac vs a guy driving a Porsche and dinner at an upscale restaurant, asking won't change the answer. Expections would still be foolish.
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Depends on what the guy has to offer. If he's riding a bike and offering a Big Mac vs a guy driving a Porsche and dinner at an upscale restaurant, asking won't change the answer. Expections would still be foolish.

You're saying we should never recruit a player Alabama wants? Goodbye Trey Smith.
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2-2 vs Vandy. Lost 2 years in a row to bad Florida teams, can't win the east with a great college QB.
1 of those losses to Vandy was against a loaded Franklin with the cupboard bare of talent in Butch's first season. First Florida loss was bad, and we were winning until we had no answer for Treon Harris. Second Florida loss was fluke blown coverage in the secondary. Did you forget our great QB had one of his worst games ever in our loss to SCAR?
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Hate this "he was never coming here anyway" crap. You guys are the ones who will never ask out the hot girl cause you're afraid of rejection.

Yep. They are the ones who talk about having higher expectations but they are the first to concede defeat. Next year is already a disaster as far as they are concerned. I say, let's play the games. I say, let's tell the hot girls that we will pick them up on Saturday and watch them say "Um. Okay." I say if you have high expectations then have enough foresight to see that we have a very talented team and are making good moves on the coaching staff. There is no reason to believe that we will not be a very solid football team next year. Plus, we are already being written off by the analysts so we have no national expectations to live up to. We can play fast and loose because nobody expects anything from us. We know better though. We know the talent we have on board and what they are capable of. All the "realists" need to understand that having lofty expectations means that you set the bar high but if you fall short, you back up and try again, and again, and again. You only lose when you quit trying.
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