Kids always look at their competition on the roster. It might not have impacted his decision, but he's aware of it. I think the platooning of WRs will end as 2 or 3 step up, hopefully this year.
Right on, bro. Not many free thinkers in this world and definitely not many on VN. I can only think of you and I that questioned KD's ability translating to the SEC but I'm sure others thought it too (hindsight will probably make this look even more obvious -- I mean he's 5'6 or 5'7 with average at best WR speed) and just didn't express the opinion on the board. VN doesn't take to kindly to views that aren't inline with the consensus.
When I watch his film blocking field goals I get really in a good mood lol. Can't wait to see him play. Nixon being commited here probably got him some more attention at least. I wish him the best wherever he ends up. Us Smurfs gotta stick together .
IIRC, At this point last year we only had three 4 stars committed. JG, Osborne, and Johnson.
So the sky isn't actually falling.
A program with the trajectory we're on is gonna wind up with a top 7 or 8 class. Butch always makes a late push, four of our top '16 recruits committed after Jan. 21.
Wasn't that good, too small, overrated, didn't want him anyway, he'd never play, higher guys on the board, he wasn't a 3 star, too slow, too fast, bad hands, bad feet, bad hair. Did I miss anything?
Two months ago, do a 180 on all of the above, lol.