SEPTEMBER DECISION LIKELY: "I am looking to make a decision early in the season. It could happen early in September, but I am thinking late September right now. I know I do not want to wait until late in the process and do the little hat trick and all that. I just want to make my mind up and get it over with."
SURPRISINGLY DIFFICULT: "This whole recruiting process is a lot more difficult than I thought is would be. I feel like I cannot go wrong with any of the three schools, so that makes it that much tougher. I have relationships with coaches at each school and it is just hard to know which one is the right one. That is what I am working on now."
GETTING TO THE FINISH LINE: "I really don't know how I am going to pick one school yet. I am not joking, I have had a couple of dreams about schools and things like that, but I do not know how I am going to figure it out. I am going over things and if I knew, I would have been committed. I am not about the attention, I don't like the drama with recruiting, so as soon as I know for sure, I will be committing. How I am going to get there is what I working on."
RIVALS REACTION: Horn wants to have this process and decision behind him. A decision could come within the next month. Tennessee has been the school trending of late, but Horn said all three schools are equal and each has a real shot at getting him. He may take some visits early in the season before making his decision.