Shema Yisrael
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Ban guns and we’ll see how fast someone could it with a baseball bat. You can’t ban the real problem. EvilThis. Horrible to think about but could definitely see a grown man doing this....silently. may be a while before anyone called the cops because no gunshots. Hope it never ever happens
Edit...quote didnt work right. This is in response to BB or whoever saying a grown man in locked classrooms with a bat or knife couldnt kill 20 kids and a helpless teacher or 2....i have zero doubt some worthless loser could do so....
There’s a thread in the pub.Lmfao! You beat me to it before I ever read it.
One shot bring him down? Going after your dog or you? @Orangeslice13
You post this as if we’re stupid enough to believe all cops share the same opinion. And I can assure you they don’t. As a former LEO myself I question how authentic his claim to be one actually is. Each unit serves its own purpose. Uniform cops goal is to DEesulate and therefore The tools they carry are for personal protection and defensive situations if they can’t. SWAT is offensive in nature and their tools reflect that. They don’t do tasers and pepper spray. They do guns, ballistic shields and helmets. Once the SWAT team is called in your window of negotiation has passed. You may get lucky and they use their non lethal weapons first (beanbag shotguns, concussion grenades) but they fully intend to take you out with a toe tag.
Long story short, this guy clearly doesn’t understand the difference and therefore only sounds bitter to those that know better. Uniform cops are not equipped to take on any given situation. Those that do are truly doing what they signed up for and putting their life on the line.
You’re as clueless as he is. Never understood the percentage of the population that thinks they know it all
You used to be such a nice young man, years on the political forum is bad for your health and demeanor. I'm exhibit 1.You have me quoting someone else's tweet (without comment) and telling you not make straw man arguments. So WTF am I clueless about? What have I even said that's wrong or erroneous (rhetorical, the answer is nothing)?
You've responded to me a few times ITT and have made the same error again and again, misattributing positions and ideas to me. Kindly **** all the way off and waste someone else's time.
You used to be such a nice young man, years on the political forum is bad for your health and demeanor. I'm exhibit 1.
Because you posted it as if it were of your opinion he was correct. Otherwise it wouldn’t have been worth your time if you didn’t agree. I simply pointed out he was wrong and likely never a cop. I can point out several other things within his tweet that support my opinion as well but chose to stick with the meat of his tweet and explained the difference in uniform cops vs SWAT. If you can’t understand the difference, I can’t help youYou have me quoting someone else's tweet (without comment) and telling you not make straw man arguments. So WTF am I clueless about? What have I even said that's wrong or erroneous (rhetorical, the answer is nothing)?
You've responded to me a few times ITT and have made the same error again and again, misattributing positions and ideas to me. Kindly **** all the way off and waste someone else's time.
Because you posted it as if it were of your opinion he was correct. Otherwise it wouldn’t have been worth your time if you didn’t agree. I simply pointed out he was wrong and likely never a cop. I can point out several other things within his tweet that support my opinion as well but chose to stick with the meat of his tweet and explained the difference in uniform cops vs SWAT. If you can’t understand the difference, I can’t help you
1) post without comment says “imma just leave this right here”1. Your problem was you claimed I'm conveying that all cops think this way, which is completely false.
2. Your opinion that this didn't come from a cop does not make it so. This is Radley Balko, a respected journalist who is in contact with the source. You are an anonymous nobody on the internet and don't actually know anything about the source.
3. Nobody needed to know the difference between SWAT and uniformed cops.
4. Stop wasting everybody's time.
4) I don’t think I’m wasting anyone’s time. Just here having funGTFO with your straw man BS
You mean they would be doing their jobs? Cool.
'I'm scaring kids straight': Florida sheriff who perp walked 10-year-old boy for joking about buying AR-15s after Texas shooting has done the same to at least eight other kids under the age of 18
- Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno said sharing juvenile mugshots makes kids 'afraid of the consequences'
- His office has shared the mugshots of at least nine child offenders
These are the mugshots of eight juvenile offenders that have been publicly ousted by Lee County officials
Sheriff who perp-walked 10-year-old boy over school shooting threat says he's scaring kids straight | Daily Mail Online
You post this as if we’re stupid enough to believe all cops share the same opinion. And I can assure you they don’t. As a former LEO myself I question how authentic his claim to be one actually is. Each unit serves its own purpose. Uniform cops goal is to DEesulate and therefore The tools they carry are for personal protection and defensive situations if they can’t. SWAT is offensive in nature and their tools reflect that. They don’t do tasers and pepper spray. They do guns, ballistic shields and helmets. Once the SWAT team is called in your window of negotiation has passed. You may get lucky and they use their non lethal weapons first (beanbag shotguns, concussion grenades) but they fully intend to take you out with a toe tag. Long story short, this guy clearly doesn’t understand the difference and therefore only sounds bitter to those that know better. Uniform cops are not equipped to take on any given situation. Those that do are truly doing what they signed up for and putting their life on the line.
Shoot first, no cameras (unless they're all pointed at Grady)Even though I do understand what you are saying , I just watched a video from Sheriff Grady from Polk county Florida, He isn’t taking that same stance . He has a very strong opinion about what they will do in that situation as soon as they roll up to it .
Shoot first, no cameras (unless they're all pointed at Grady)
He's got good and bad but he fits PolkHe said they the first one(s) on scene go to the shooter . There will be no waiting . I only know about him through his pressers but from what I’ve seen , I believe him . I also think I would find a different county to live in , if I had nefarious intentions other than Polk .
Most agencies wouldn’t take that same stance in Florida. And I’m not saying I do. I was only responding to the tweet he posted suggesting SWAT is unnecessary. If he had slowed his roll a bit he may have learned we both agree on the overall point. Those cops should’ve went in. However, I understand why they didn’t if they were ordered to stand down. I just wouldn’t have followed that order and I would’ve possibly lost my life but definitely my job that day.Even though I do understand what you are saying , I just watched a video from Sheriff Grady from Polk county Florida, He isn’t taking that same stance . He has a very strong opinion about what they will do in that situation as soon as they roll up to it .
Aaaaand there’s the problem! Not the gun, not the ammo, not the magazines. It’s the people sick enough to praise a scum bagGuN cUlTuRe iSn't tHe ProBlEm...
4cHaN and 8cHaN aReN't aN iSsUe JuSt lIke QAnON....
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