2 LA Officers Ambushed

He exposed the racists and made them come out the wood work.

Its still working I see.
That Obama character was quite a guy. The quality turned out by the Mayor Daley Chicago political machine has been impressive.

Funny thing about Obama,. I remember back early in the 2008 Presidential primary season that Obama didn't have much black support because they didn't think he was down with the black man's struggle, since he had a privileged upbringing with white folks. Then, he dealt the race card on the Clintons, and VOILA......... things changed. They looked at him as their guy then.
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There's only so long the "I don't see color" crew can pretend. A wealthy black man has triggered them. How dare the black man speak up against the conservative white man after he's done for him.
LOL Obama doesn't care about you or I any more or less than Trump does. If you actually believe he does you can't be helped, you're happy living within your own delusion.

Obama is a Chicago democrat with socialist leanings. The country isn't racist there are elements of racism throughout the country. Real racists are dying out and have been slowly for decades as far as white people are concerned. But they are being replaced at an alarming rate by AA racists.
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LOL Obama doesn't care about you or I any more or less than Trump does. If you a actually believe he does your can't be helped, your happy living within your own delusional.

Obama is a Chicago democrat with socialist leanings. The country isn't racist there are elements of racism throughout the country. Real racists are dying out and have been slowly for decades and far as white people are concerned. But they are being replaced at an alarming rate by AA.
Considering I see Trump as a facist and a Nazi on the level of Hitler and Goebbels, I can't be helped.
That Obama character was quite a guy. The quality turned out by the Mayor Daley Chicago political machine has been impressive.

Funny thing about Obama,. I remember back early in the 2008 Presidential primary season that Obama didn't have much black support because they didn't think he was down with the black man's struggle, since he had a privileged upbringing with white folks. Then, he dealt the race card on the Clintons, and VOILA......... things changed. They looked at him as their guy then.
The Oprah endorsement was the turning point for Obama. It isn't really black people Oprah has big pull with - it's white women, particularly middle class white women.
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The Oprah thing may be true, but I remember the swing in support when he played the race card on Clinton. The black vote came to him.

I remember that, but Obama had shot up in the polls before that though, coinciding almost perfectly with the Oprah endorsement. I've seen some historians label that as, by far, the single most impactful endorsement in the history of politics. It was nuts how popular he became after that.

The Clintons were shook by that and Obama had taken an early delegate lead, so they labeled Obama as "the black candidate" in an attempt to gin up support. It backfired.
I very recently left the field. The normal stress of it, hours, politics, etc plus all this nonsense pushed me out. Working a desk job with gravy hours and more pay makes me think what the hell was I doing in the first place.

That's really sad to be honest. I'm sure you have stories of other guys saying the same thing.
He has rounded up and gassed a lot of citizens, and will probably invade neighboring countries in his next term.
Reading the china thread, it sort of seems like there's support for a war with china and the notion that it might bring jobs back to the us could be compared with "a little breathing room." Do you think the rest of the world will back us if we've lost some of our moral superiority because of a lack of racial justice/equality?
To be quite frank, the money that police are given is not used for training or salaries or recruiting, it is used to buy more weapons and vehicles. Police are tasked with being social workers, child advocates, mental health experts, among other things. Our tax money can be better used to have other professionals that are equipped to handle certain situations. Buying more guns can't help someone with mental health issues.
Most police money is spent on training, benefits, salary, pensions and retention efforts along with regular equipment and maintenance. Most major weapons (Rifles, swat stuff) is given for free through grants from the government who would just scrap it anyway. And the majority of psych/drug calls on the street are too violent for a social worker to handle. The need is for violent people who commit crimes again and again to be locked up for decades and for violent psych people to be locked up in mental facilities like the old days
So you're saying the difference is like the NVA and the Viet Cong (the night crew). One is a semi "stand up" crowd, and the other slithers out of the urban jungle at night and doesn't mind using questionable tactics? That it's really OK if the good guys and the "bad" guys work in concert to achieve a common goal - as long as it meets with your political stance? Other than re-education camps to teach the less "intelligent" of us the error of our ways and to believe as you and your comrades, how do you believe there's a problem with equal treatment after LBJ's great civil rights legislation? Think carefully and remember that most of these episodes are taking place or start in places solidly under Democrat, liberal kontrol before you answer.
I’m still waiting for him to say what the “equal treatment” issue actually is
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Reading the china thread, it sort of seems like there's support for a war with china and the notion that it might bring jobs back to the us could be compared with "a little breathing room." Do you think the rest of the world will back us if we've lost some of our moral superiority because of a lack of racial justice/equality?
I see Trump pulling a Hitler, and invading Canada or Mexico. Hitler had Poland next door.
Actually, probably has far more to do with the culture young black males grow up in than cops arbitrarily "deciding to murder you" based on the color of one's skin.

As has been alluded to, black males are involved with crime far out of proportion to their ratio of the population. Looking at the study provided by yourself from the LA Times, it is striking that a BIG FREAKING CLUE as to why more young blacks die at the hands of law enforcement juoffices is at the top of the page!!! Young black males are ALMOST 28 TIME MORE LIKELY TO DIE AS A RESULT OF ASSAULT* than from police action. I would submit that fixing that top line problem, which will save far more lives, will also result in a significant reduction in the number seven cause of death. In other words, make better decisions.

Look at it in this cynical manner: a 10% reduction in the death rate by assault almost completely negates the police hunting down black males to kill as claimed by saving over NINE lives per year, while that same reduction in the death rate by police only saves one every three years or so.

* the overwhelming majority of these are by fellow young black males. If I recall, 90%+.
These facts are incredibly racist
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To be quite frank, the money that police are given is not used for training or salaries or recruiting, it is used to buy more weapons and vehicles. Police are tasked with being social workers, child advocates, mental health experts, among other things. Our tax money can be better used to have other professionals that are equipped to handle certain situations. Buying more guns can't help someone with mental health issues.
How did you become such an expert on the inner workings of police departments? You stay at a Holiday Inn last night?

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