2 LA Officers Ambushed

I'll start by saying that the link between inflammatory rhetoric and individual action is generally non-existent. Doesn't matter if it's rhetoric from the right or left. So I don't think Lebron has any responsibility for this act any more than I think Trump or whoever has responsibility for other acts.

That said, if Lebron wants solutions and real change he should use his considerable reach to speak out against this heinous act. So long as he only speaks to one side of the issue I think he's missing an opportunity to advance the cause.

We've been told repeatedly from the left that "silence is violence". Surely everyone can speak out against this?

I don't believe that answers the question of why the poster placed this murder at the feet of LeBron and other celebrity athletes.
It’s sanctioned by the trash that wrote it. That shows me all I need about all of blm. Just a bunch of thugs, punks and worthless human beings that only to to intimidate people. If Martin Luther King was alive today he’d be disgusted with the way the black community is acting.
so whomever wrote it and put BLM on it means that BLM wrote it....got it. You're simple. I pray that you don't procreate. The world would be a better place if you didn't.
You disagree? What are his credentials? What subject matter does he possess expertise in?

He looked quite foolish when the China/Morey incident happened. So what matters is he educated on?
While I think its BS to bring education into this discussion, at best LeBron only has a HS diploma.
So the same as Candace Owens and many right wing "Political Experts." lmao
LJ is by no means dumb regardless of his formal education.

When you choose to make dumb comments and go down dumb roads, you are in essence, dumb.

The guy literally insinuated Morey needed to educate himself better before making his comments. Ok, a guy with degrees from MIT and Northwestern needs to educate himself better on Chinese/Hong Kong issues. Lol. LJ is a moron.

If he isnt a world class athlete, he'd be stocking shelves at a Publix.
Most don't unless you are hanging out with the criminal element. The best gauge is who you know from growing up unless you were in a catholic school or area that didn't have many minorities. That was the point of my post as well that blacks are being picked off or targeted systematically.
I did go to catholic school. We had minorities. We pretty much matched the demographics of the area.

Only one of the stories I know dealt with a minority.

In my experience there is a much higher link between money and cops than there is race and cops. The issues I see in Atlanta in regard to cops in the ghetto looks the exact same as any of the mullet parks I visited at various points.
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So the same as Candace Owens and many right wing "Political Experts." lmao

I remember the "expert" Rush (I'm paraphrasing) saying the hurricane warnings was just a conspiracy made up by the bottle water companies in order to buy mass quantities of water products. He was saying this as there was hurricane heading towards his residence in Florida. Of course, he evacuated his residence as the hurricane made landfall. Some of his followers believed his bottled water conspiracy theory and remained home when the hurricane hit.

I thought the police typically hate these types of rewards as they lead to a flood of useless tips.They're really trying to make the job of finding this person harder in order to score cheap political points.

I remember the "expert" Rush (I'm paraphrasing) saying the hurricane warnings was just a conspiracy made up by the bottle water companies in order to buy mass quantities of water products. He was saying this as there was hurricane heading towards his residence in Florida. Of course, he evacuated his residence as the hurricane made landfall. Some of his followers believed his bottled water conspiracy theory and remained home when the hurricane hit.

I thought the police typically hate these types of rewards as they lead to a flood of useless tips.They're really trying to make the job of finding this person harder in order to score cheap political points.

Yeah, that's it.
Do you know what BLM is? There are peaceful protests during the day. What happens at night is not even BLM protesters. BLM organizers denounce rioting, because it takes away from the message.
Who knew demanding equal treatment was such a trigger point.

So you're saying the difference is like the NVA and the Viet Cong (the night crew). One is a semi "stand up" crowd, and the other slithers out of the urban jungle at night and doesn't mind using questionable tactics? That it's really OK if the good guys and the "bad" guys work in concert to achieve a common goal - as long as it meets with your political stance? Other than re-education camps to teach the less "intelligent" of us the error of our ways and to believe as you and your comrades, how do you believe there's a problem with equal treatment after LBJ's great civil rights legislation? Think carefully and remember that most of these episodes are taking place or start in places solidly under Democrat, liberal kontrol before you answer.
Can't have more training with less funding. Also good luck getting a large amount of decent humans to apply for the open positions. America will feel the sting from the war on police. Turned an honest, difficult job into a hellish nightmare not worth any sane person's time or health.

People might not all quit but new recruitment will be tough because pay is not great based on the risk. Risk/reward. In that sense blm/leftists/Bolsheviks all win.
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Lebron is uneducated? I doubt that a person that has done a lot of good is quite educated. However, I do agree.....Rush, Sean, Candace should never be given prominent speaking roles.


Yes Lebron has a high school education and I doubt he has done much research on many of these topics. It doesn't mean he isn't wealthy and needs education.
When you choose to make dumb comments and go down dumb roads, you are in essence, dumb.

The guy literally insinuated Morey needed to educate himself better before making his comments. Ok, a guy with degrees from MIT and Northwestern needs to educate himself better on Chinese/Hong Kong issues. Lol. LJ is a moron.

If he isnt a world class athlete, he'd be stocking shelves at a Publix.
He would be useful in stocking the top shelves.
This is Joe & Kamala's fault. The Democrats approve. They encourage this type of behavior to continue.
They say if you vote for them this behavior will stop and that covid-19 will just disappear after the election.

Marxism has had many killed to advance their agenda.
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Hey, I happen to agree with his comment.

But I'm not President. A President has a responsibility to calm things down, not provoke more confrontation, which is what he ALWAYS does.
Just the way Obama did with his race baiting. It was Obama who is started this whole race baiting and white privlidge narrative
You know Trump is currently the President while all this is happening, right?

Wait, I forgot that I'm talking to the guy who just suggested making the US a one-party country by kicking out elected officials based on their affiliation.

When that ine party has become the modern day communist party. Yes, they should be kicked out.
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How many times has Trump's reaction to anything in this realm been to antagonize, feed the flames, champion revenge, promote confrontation, encourage more discord?

The man is evil.

We need calm, cool, responsible comment and rhetoric, not more harshness.

Your party is the evil party. Obama was calm and cool and allowed a young man to die in NK by asking strategic patience. Trump is honest in his assessment of these Anti-Americans.
The left is responsible for emboldening the antifa goons to destroy and attack those with different opinions. What you see is the rights fringe actors in response. Perhaps Trump threw a log on the fire but it was already burning as a response to the lefts fringe actors being allowed to attack and destroy with impunity and in some cases with direct help from local politicians.

Trump putting a log on a burning building isnt going to matter. Thise communists don't care.
People might not all quit but new recruitment will be tough because pay is not great based on the risk. Risk/reward. In that sense blm/leftists/Bolsheviks all win.

I very recently left the field. The normal stress of it, hours, politics, etc plus all this nonsense pushed me out. Working a desk job with gravy hours and more pay makes me think what the hell was I doing in the first place.

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