2006 Vols Biggest Surprise???

(hatvol96 @ May 11 said:
Ooh, regale me with

Obviously it did. Since you had nothing meaningful to respond with.

Maybe I'll try cutting and pasting another of your responses and watch you chase your tail again.

That was fun. :D
(OldVol @ May 11 said:
That's a classic.

Maybe we should just start numbering our responses.

poster a: Vol's suck

poster b: see response 143.

I love it. You're onto something here.
Your's would be

1. Rulebook, cheaters, blah, blah.
2. Loyalty, rats, blah, blah.
3. Inane, irrelevant historical reference, blah, blah.
(hatvol96 @ May 11 said:
Your's would be

1. Rulebook, cheaters, blah, blah.
2. Loyalty, rats, blah, blah.
3. Inane, irrelevant historical reference, blah, blah.

and your's:

blah blah
more blah
even more blah

I'll take the historical reference any old day.

Try again, tail chaser. :birgits_giggle:
(OldVol @ May 11 said:
Obviously it did. Since you had nothing meaningful to respond with.

Maybe I'll try cutting and pasting another of your responses and watch you chase your tail again.

That was fun. :D
Just because it doesn't compute to your antedeluvian, naive view of the world doen't mean it's not meaningful. Having read posts you've made about your "recruitment" it's easy to get a picture of you. You were one of these buzz cut wearing, "yes ma'am" southern boys. You and your ilk had football in the South to yourselves until Sam Cunningham came to Birmingham and destroyed Alabama. You've been crying about rulebooks and the way it used to be ever since.
(hatvol96 @ May 11 said:
Ooh, regale me with more of your "sports as a metaphor for life" wisdom, Great One. What a load. Sport aren't life and death. They're a diversion. The only thing that matters is the scoreboard. To bust out my favorite Parcells quote, "You are what your record says you are." It doesn't say " You are what your record says you are, except if you're a bad guy who wins or a good guy who loses."
both arguements are on polar opposite ends....the truth is competition breeds competition. It's inherent to the word itself. If you are truly going to be competitive in what you are doing, you are more or less obliged to do whatever you can in order to win, now having said that, there are things that are done in the name of competition that can taint winning if the success gained is gained in an unscrupulous manner, i.e. cheating and gaining an unfair advantage on your opponent.

there's nothing to be gained by losing and being known as a person or team of integrity, at least in the arena of winning and losing, cause you still LOST. Likewise, there is absolutely no satisfaction or "worth" in winning something that you didn't truly compete for in a fair and level playing feild. Cheating implies that there are deficiencies on the offenders part that could not be made up for otherwise, thus the need to cheat. It's basically admitting that you aren't as good as the competition w/out publicly saying so or proving it by getting beat.
Here, chase this: that should keep you busy for a few hours.

Just because it doesn't compute to your antedeluvian, naive view of the world doen't mean it's not meaningful.
(hatvol96 @ May 11 said:
Just because it doesn't compute to your antedeluvian, naive view of the world doen't mean it's not meaningful. Having read posts you've made about your "recruitment" it's easy to get a picture of you. You were one of these buzz cut wearing, "yes ma'am" southern boys. You and your ilk had football in the South to yourselves until Sam Cunningham came to Birmingham and destroyed Alabama. You've been crying about rulebooks and the way it used to be ever since.

What's wrong with "yes ma'am"?
And just what the hell does manners have to do with Sam Cunningham? One should not stereotype hate. Being a "blood sucking" lawyer you should know that. LOL
(jakez4ut @ May 11 said:
both arguements are on polar opposite ends....the truth is competition breeds competition. It's inherent to the word itself. If you are truly going to be competitive in what you are doing, you are more or less obliged to do whatever you can in order to win, now having said that, there are things that are done in the name of competition that can taint winning if the success gained is gained in an unscrupulous manner, i.e. cheating and gaining an unfair advantage on your opponent.

there's nothing to be gained by losing and being known as a person or team of integrity, at least in the arena of winning and losing, cause you still LOST. Likewise, there is absolutely no satisfaction or "worth" in winning something that you didn't truly compete for in a fair and level playing feild. Cheating implies that there are deficiencies on the offenders part that could not be made up for otherwise, thus the need to cheat. It's basically admitting that you aren't as good as the competition w/out publicly saying so or proving it by getting beat.

However, playing fair, even in losing, does not leave one with a lifetime of embarrassment and guilt.

I'd much rather play fair and lose than have to live with the shame of cheating.

The win that comes from cheating is always tainted. So are the competitors who cheated.
(hatvol96 @ May 11 said:
Just because it doesn't compute to your antedeluvian, naive view of the world doen't mean it's not meaningful. Having read posts you've made about your "recruitment" it's easy to get a picture of you. You were one of these buzz cut wearing, "yes ma'am" southern boys. You and your ilk had football in the South to yourselves until Sam Cunningham came to Birmingham and destroyed Alabama. You've been crying about rulebooks and the way it used to be ever since.
sounds dangerously close to stereotyping Hat...be careful...... :question:
(VolBeef88 @ May 11 said:
And just what the hell does manners have to do with Sam Cunningham? One should not stereotype hate. Being a "blood sucking" lawyer you should know that. LOL

He's attempting to stir another racial debate.

Everyone who played in the SEC prior to desegregation are bigots. Didn't you know that?

He discoverd that when he caught his tail. :birgits_giggle:
(OldVol @ May 11 said:
However, playing fair, even in losing, does not leave one with a lifetime of embarrassment and guilt.

I'd much rather play fair and lose than have to live with the shame of cheating.

The win that comes from cheating is always tainted. So are the competitors who cheated.

OldVol I now have a clear picture of you thanks to hate.
Your a Buzz cut wearing, manners having, rule book loving, AARP member from the South. Does that sum you up?
(GAVol @ May 11 said:
Worse than that . . . I think he misspelled Antediluvian.

Flag on the play.

LaadyinOrange imposter here. 15 yards for illegal use of the lady's red pencil.
(OldVol @ May 11 said:
However, playing fair, even in losing, does not leave one with a lifetime of embarrassment and guilt.

I'd much rather play fair and lose than have to live with the shame of cheating.

The win that comes from cheating is always tainted. So are the competitors who cheated.
that's more or less what i was saying....but losing still sucks.
(jakez4ut @ May 11 said:
sounds dangerously close to stereotyping Hat...be careful...... :question:
Not sterotyping. It's directed at on individual. I'm sure if my assessment is off, the Ancient One will tell me.
(VolBeef88 @ May 11 said:
OldVol I now have a clear picture of you thanks to hate.
Your a Buzz cut wearing, manners having, rule book loving, AARP member from the South. Does that sum you up?

Cept'n that AARP thingy, I have FARM Bureau. Wouldn't you know it.

psst. be quiet. He's chasin' his tail right now.

He'll pop back on when he catches it again. :D
(GAVol @ May 11 said:
Worse than that . . . I think he misspelled Antediluvian.
I thought so initially. I checked. I found it spelled both ways. I do believe your spelling is the most common. Even I make the occasional mistake.
(hatvol96 @ May 11 said:
Not sterotyping. It's directed at on individual. I'm sure if my assessment is off, the Ancient One will tell me.

Now, now hate. This is what you stated "You were one of these buzz cut wearing, "yes ma'am" southern boys. You and your ilk had football in the South to yourselves until Sam Cunningham came to Birmingham and destroyed Alabama. You've been crying about rulebooks and the way it used to be ever since."

That looks as if you were talking about a group. When you chose to say "one of" that def annotates a group. As a "blood sucking" lawyer I know you know that. That is stereotyping and that is wrong.
Perhaps Hank Williams Jr. said it best. We say grace and we say Ma'am if you ain't into that...well.
(hatvol96 @ May 11 said:
I thought so initially. I checked. I found it spelled both ways. I do believe your spelling is the most common. Even I make the occasional mistake.

I'm sure your mistaken on that.
It's an assesment of what I have taken fro your posts. It doesn't classify or impute anything to an entire group. If I've misjudged you, I apologize.
(hatvol96 @ May 11 said:
Not sterotyping. It's directed at on individual. I'm sure if my assessment is off, the Ancient One will tell me.
yes, the post was to OldVol, but when you start using terms Like:
"You were one of these buzz cut wearing, "yes ma'am" southern boys. You and your ilk had football in the South to yourselves until Sam Cunningham came to Birmingham and destroyed Alabama."

looks like a duck
sounds like a duck
must be a duck
(hatvol96 @ May 11 said:
It's an assesment of what I have taken fro your posts. It doesn't classify or impute anything to an entire group. If I've misjudged you, I apologize.

You were sticking him in a group, thus stereotyping at its best.

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