2006 Vols Biggest Surprise???

(jakez4ut @ May 11 said:
i wasn't comparing the two units...just the rationale behind the "faith" in the hires the coordnator makes, based on the HC's knowledge of that coordnator, and his past performance.

Now, would you care to comment on that?
Yes, Lacewell's accomplishments far outstrip Cutcliffe's. Therefore, it makes far more sense to hire a guy who worked for him.
(OldVol @ May 11 said:
Unless you're the bag man. Just ask Logan, well, bless his memory, before he passed.

Besides, regimes like Miami's and Oklahoma's were big cheats. If Oklahoma hadn't let Barry go when they did, they'd have gotten a stiff whack from the NCAA, and Miami, well, we all know what they got.

I'd rather lose a few than to have to cheat.

In all honesty, I'd rather lose them all than to have to cheat to win a one.

What does it say about people when winning a college football game is worth their losing thier dignity, their character, and their reputation.

It is truly a sad state of affairs.
i agree...but they don't take the NC's away if you're caught 5 years down the line....what do they do? they punish the current players, HC and fans by putting that group of people on probation....that sucks imo.

start walking in to Athletic deptartments and removing trophies and rings. or better yeat, punish the peopel actually responsible for the infraction, what a novel idea?
(VolBeef88 @ May 11 said:
Try your diversions in court and not on me. I stated thatCPF last four years were better in that I meant more w's. CPF is not done either, not by a long shot. CJM also had 4 losing seasons and CPF only 1. And comparing BSU wins to those by any school in the SEC is a very poor attempt at diversion.


CJM 2 SEC championships + 1 SEC 1st place tie and ZERO NC

CPF 2 SEC championships + 4 ties* and 1 National Title.
* (since we play a SECCG now east title will be called a tie as they would have before the SECG)
You're talking about championships and you are now creating them for Fulmer. Are you the guy who counts Alabamas National Championships? They play an SEC Championship game for a reason. To crown a champion. You lose that game, it means you were the best of the losers in the conference, period.
(hatvol96 @ May 11 said:
You're talking about championships and you are now creating them for Fulmer. Are you the guy who counts Alabamas National Championships? They play an SEC Championship game for a reason. To crown a champion. You lose that game, it means you were the best of the losers in the conference, period.

That's why it's a little tough to compare SEC titles before and after 1992.
(hatvol96 @ May 11 said:
I love it, a Fulmer defender talking about prison. Where's Dwayne Goodrich now? How does Leonard Little spend his offseason? Where did Jam Lewis reside last summer?

That's too funny.

A Fulmer defender?

You obviously don't know anything about me. Some who have read my posts in the past about the Majors/Fulmer debacle would probably call me anything but a Fulmer defender. That's too funny.

What I am is a Volunteer. Unashamedly.

I love the university and I support its sprots programs. I'm not a fly-by-night, flash-in-the-pan supporter. We don't have to win every game to keep my
allegiance. I support the players and the staff, even when I disagree with how some things might happen.

You call that blind loyalty.

I just call it loyalty. It doesn't take much character to jump off the ship and run for cover when things don't go just like you wish. It doesn't take a lot of integrity to snipe, gripe, complain and moan like a little girl when things aren't the best.

You seem to put a lot of stock in John. Here's one of his most famous quotes, "Let the ship begin to tilt, and every RAT on board will jump."

I've always found that to be true.
(GAVol @ May 11 said:
That's why it's a little tough to compare SEC titles before and after 1992.

Exactly GaVol. I added those ties because I thought hate would claim CJM ties in order to bash CPF.
(OldVol @ May 11 said:
Unless you're the bag man. Just ask Logan, well, bless his memory, before he passed.

Besides, regimes like Miami's and Oklahoma's were big cheats. If Oklahoma hadn't let Barry go when they did, they'd have gotten a stiff whack from the NCAA, and Miami, well, we all know what they got.

I'd rather lose a few than to have to cheat.

In all honesty, I'd rather lose them all than to have to cheat to win a one.

What does it say about people when winning a college football game is worth their losing thier dignity, their character, and their reputation.

It is truly a sad state of affairs.
Yeah, being a shill for a system that makes old, fat, athletic department hacks rich while giving the guys who produce the revenue nothing, that's dignified.
(hatvol96 @ May 11 said:
Yes, Lacewell's accomplishments far outstrip Cutcliffe's. Therefore, it makes far more sense to hire a guy who worked for him.
in your mind.....

the rational you posted about Lacewell and Jimmy Johnson, is the same rationale CPF has followed with Cut....whether or not Lacewell's accomplishments outnumber (not outstrip) Cut's is irrelovent. the rationale in hiring those on the staff is still the same.

why is that rationale ok for them, but the same rationale not ok for CPF and Cut?
(hatvol96 @ May 11 said:
Yeah, being a shill for a system that makes old, fat, athletic department hacks rich while giving the guys who produce the revenue nothing, that's dignified.

No, that's college athletics.

No one is forced to play.

That's an absurd argument.
I thought when Cutcliffe was the OC before the only team UT struggled to beat was Florida, and that was more because of turnovers and poor pass defense.

Its true Fulmer got ultra conservative with the need to gain 100 yds rushing to beat Florida, need to play field position, etc. But that was more of a reflection on Fulmer then Cutcliffe. That was the offensive game plan Fulmer erronously thought would beat Florida. It only worked in 98 and 01.
(hatvol96 @ May 11 said:
Yeah, being a shill for a system that makes old, fat, athletic department hacks rich while giving the guys who produce the revenue nothing, that's dignified.

The players get nothing? How about the opportunity to play ball? How about the opportunity to play ball on a national stage in such that NFL teams can accurately and easily asses their talent? How about those who don't go pro getting an education/room/board?

It is a win/win for players and the University.
(OldVol @ May 11 said:
That's too funny.

A Fulmer defender?

You obviously don't know anything about me. Some who have read my posts in the past about the Majors/Fulmer debacle would probably call me anything but a Fulmer defender. That's too funny.

What I am is a Volunteer. Unashamedly.

I love the university and I support its sprots programs. I'm not a fly-by-night, flash-in-the-pan supporter. We don't have to win every game to keep my
allegiance. I support the players and the staff, even when I disagree with how some things might happen.

You call that blind loyalty.

I just call it loyalty. It doesn't take much character to jump off the ship and run for cover when things don't go just like you wish. It doesn't take a lot of integrity to snipe, gripe, complain and moan like a little girl when things aren't the best.

You seem to put a lot of stock in John. Here's one of his most famous quotes, "Let the ship begin to tilt, and every RAT on board will jump."

I've always found that to be true.
The ship's not tilting, it looks like the movie poster for "Poseidon." I like this Springsteen quote "Blind faith in your leaders will get you killed." Now, go back to worshipping at the your shrine to the NCAA rulebook.
(jakez4ut @ May 11 said:
in your mind.....

the rational you posted about Lacewell and Jimmy Johnson, is the same rationale CPF has followed with Cut....whether or not Lacewell's accomplishments outnumber (not outstrip) Cut's is irrelovent. the rationale in hiring those on the staff is still the same.

why is that rationale ok for them, but the same rationale not ok for CPF and Cut?

Because they are from schools that have no ties to UT.
(oklavol @ May 11 said:
I thought when Cutcliffe was the OC before the only team UT struggled to beat was Florida, and that was more because of turnovers and poor pass defense.

Its true Fulmer got ultra conservative with the need to gain 100 yds rushing to beat Florida, need to play field position, etc. But that was more of a reflection on Fulmer then Cutcliffe. That was the offensive game plan Fulmer erronously thought would beat Florida. It only worked in 98 and 01.
and it should have worked in 2000 also.... :banghead: and i agree with your assesment.
(jakez4ut @ May 11 said:
in your mind.....

the rational you posted about Lacewell and Jimmy Johnson, is the same rationale CPF has followed with Cut....whether or not Lacewell's accomplishments outnumber (not outstrip) Cut's is irrelovent. the rationale in hiring those on the staff is still the same.

why is that rationale ok for them, but the same rationale not ok for CPF and Cut?
I'm not talking about Cutcliffe. I'm talking specifically about Roper.
(hatvol96 @ May 11 said:
The ship's not tilting, it looks like the movie poster for "Poseidon."

Either way, the rats all jump. That's what Majors meant. The rats all jump ship.

(VolBeef88 @ May 11 said:
The players get nothing? How about the opportunity to play ball? How about the opportunity to play ball on a national stage in such that NFL teams can accurately and easily asses their talent? How about those who don't go pro getting an education/room/board?

It is a win/win for players and the University.

The players get exactly what they're promised when they sign their grants. It's a contract. They don't have to sign it.

You're right. It's an asinine argument.
(hatvol96 @ May 11 said:
OK, then. You stay on and drown.

The problem is hate, you assume things won't be better. One of those SEC titles that CJM won was after a 5-6 season. With your reasoning and using this analogy, you would be adrift at sea while the rest of us cruise off into the sunset with a cold drink in one hand and a SEC title in the other.
(hatvol96 @ May 11 said:
OK, then. You stay on and drown.

Men with integrity do.

Captain Smith, aged and ailing, chose to go down with the Titanic. The owner snuck onto a lifeboat.

He lived, but he was plagued with guilt and eventually lost his mind.

Some men know that integrity is more important than winning. Some know it's more important than life itself.
(hatvol96 @ May 11 said:
I'm not talking about Cutcliffe. I'm talking specifically about Roper.
Me too...and Luke as well for that matter....

the rationale that Jimmy Johnson Knew lacewell and trusted him based on his past performance. So Johnson knew what he was getting in Tubberville...

Much in the same way that Cut knows Luke and Roper, and CPF trusts Cut to make the right decision, because he knows what he's getting in LUke and Roper based on his knowledge of Cut.

Same rationale, just different names....still not sure why it's ok for them, and not us?
(jakez4ut @ May 11 said:
Me too...and Luke as well for that matter....

the rationale that Jimmy Johnson Knew lacewell and trusted him based on his past performance. So Johnson knew what he was getting in Tubberville...

Much in the same way that Cut knows Luke and Roper, and CPF trusts Cut to make the right decision, because he knows what he's getting in LUke and Roper based on his knowledge of Cut.

Same rationale, just different names....still not sure why it's ok for them, and not us?

see post #163
(VolBeef88 @ May 11 said:
see post #163

That's a classic.

Maybe we should just start numbering our responses.

poster a: Vol's suck

poster b: see response 143.

I love it. You're onto something here.
(OldVol @ May 11 said:
Men with integrity do.

Captain Smith, aged and ailing, chose to go down with the Titanic. The owner snuck onto a lifeboat.

He lived, but he was plagued with guilt and eventually lost his mind.

Some men know that integrity is more important than winning. Some know it's more important than life itself.
Ooh, regale me with more of your "sports as a metaphor for life" wisdom, Great One. What a load. Sport aren't life and death. They're a diversion. The only thing that matters is the scoreboard. To bust out my favorite Parcells quote, "You are what your record says you are." It doesn't say " You are what your record says you are, except if you're a bad guy who wins or a good guy who loses."
(jakez4ut @ May 11 said:
Me too...and Luke as well for that matter....

the rationale that Jimmy Johnson Knew lacewell and trusted him based on his past performance. So Johnson knew what he was getting in Tubberville...

Much in the same way that Cut knows Luke and Roper, and CPF trusts Cut to make the right decision, because he knows what he's getting in LUke and Roper based on his knowledge of Cut.

Same rationale, just different names....still not sure why it's ok for them, and not us?

Because! Everything is good but UT.

Don't ya get it?

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