Not that the crystal ball on 247 is that big of a deal, but it its got like 30+ predictions all to Duke and not a single other school. What makes y'all think we have a legitimate chance here, just curious, ill hang up and listen
The answer I got when I asked that question was Duke is Duke. And none of the experts really have a clue on this 1.
Its like picking chalk in March. IMO If its unclear go with the usual favorite.
I should probably stop though. Decifering twitter is not a good idea.
Well i Saw what you were talking about BTO, it was on Wisconsin Rivals, right?
i like this Bossi Nugget "Looney is a terrific prospect. But, he's not likely to be a one and done anywhere."
I'd agree if he chose Duke, MSU, Florida, or even UCLA, but he could be a star at Tennessee or Wisconsin from Day 1. Tobias Harris was a one-and-done here. Looney has Tobias+ upside IMO.
Being a star doesnt make that big of a difference between one and done.....the NBA drafts more on potential than all depends on how he measures out.