2020 Presidential Race

Never popped over here before but it's amazing how much socialism propaganda is being run with. Go to Scandinavian or western Europe and see how good they live, that's the "socialism" the left is seeking. It's also pretty ironic how poor east Tennessee is in general, and how they vote for a party that seeks to remove benefits and workers rights. The GOP has done a brilliant job of propaganda the last few decades
Yep, this country is just like Scandinavia. It's hard to tell, the difference between downtown Baltimore and Stockholm.
Never popped over here before but it's amazing how much socialism propaganda is being run with. Go to Scandinavian or western Europe and see how good they live, that's the "socialism" the left is seeking. It's also pretty ironic how poor east Tennessee is in general, and how they vote for a party that seeks to remove benefits and workers rights. The GOP has done a brilliant job of propaganda the last few decades
Was there for over a month. It's not that great. Very few choices, tiny apartments, extremely high prices, huge government dependence. It basically sucks. I missed the USA so bad after about 2 weeks and was ready to get back here.
With any understanding of macro economics you would know there's quite a lag between policy and effects...

We are into Trumps 4th year and unemployment isn’t just low , it’s at a 50 year low . I’m going to coin a phrase here from a very well known politician ... “ you didn’t build that “ .

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