2020 Presidential Race

Nice work, now you only have 17,998 more to disprove. Good luck.
You might want to make an appearance over there or haven't you heard?

List of Obama Officials Who May Have ‘Unmasked’ Michael Flynn Includes Joe Biden

Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell responded to a congressional request Wednesday by submitting a declassified list of Obama administration officials who had requested names be “unmasked” from Nov. 8, 2016 to Jan. 31, 2017.
Nice work, now you only have 17,998 more to disprove. Good luck.

They should list 17,998 then. Not my job to fact check. Bro, they have been lying their ass off to you for 3 years now about issues that have consumed this nation. Not sure why I or anyone would GAS about anything they have to say atp.
AOC joins Biden's climate policy panel

Once again the Democratic party is not a "center" party.

LMAO Biden has proof that he listened to the Bernie Bros by putting AOC on his climate panel. Lol. You can't make this up.
Next there will be a time limit for Biden public addresses.

Oh wait.... 7 minutes. If you can't go longer than 7 minutes it's time to seek immediate medical attention
State Department emails indicate Yovanovitch met with Burisma rep, despite testimony

State Department emails obtained by the conservative group Citizens United this week indicate that the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine was involved in discussions about the natural gas firm Burisma Holdings and even in a meeting with a company representative, despite testifying to Congress during the impeachment inquiry that she knew little about the firm.

Burisma Holdings was at the center of impeachment proceedings against President Trump, after he pressed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a phone call to look into the Biden family’s dealings in Ukraine. Former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, held a lucrative position on the board of Burisma Holdings.

During the impeachment hearings, many witnesses were questioned about their knowledge of the Biden-Burisma connection, and the firm's reputation in Ukraine. Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch, during House testimony last year, said she didn't have much knowledge about the firm, and noted that she only learned of its connection to Biden through "press reports" she read while preparing for her Senate confirmation hearing.


“Burisma wasn’t a big issue in the fall … of 2016, when I arrived,” she said, noting that the investigation and details surrounding its closure “happened before I arrived.”

"It was not a focus of what I was doing in that six-month period," she said.

But through a Citizens United Freedom of Information Act request for emails related to Burisma sent by former deputy assistant secretary of state for Europe and Eastern Europe George Kent, the organization obtained more than 160 pages of emails and memos sent during the fall of 2016, including communications between Yovanovitch and U.S. Embassy officials about Burisma Holdings and documents indicating that she met with a representative of the firm at the embassy in December 2016.

The documents were first reported by John Solomon.

In September 2016, Yovanovitch received a letter from Burisma’s American lawyers, John Buretta of Cravath, Swaine and Moore law firm based in New York, alerting her that prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko’s office was dropping a corruption investigation related to Burisma without filing charges. Buretta also called allegations against the firm’s founder “baseless.”

“We respectfully request that Your Excellency take into consideration these objective facts when considering the narrative promoted by some, and no doubt to be repeated again, in disregard of the facts and the law and the decisions by courts,” Buretta wrote the ambassador.

Yovanovitch appeared to forward the email to Kent, who then arranged a briefing for her to discuss the issues. Kent, before the briefing, wrote to colleagues the topics he hoped to discuss, which included “[Burisma founder Mykola] Zlochevsky/Burisma - asset recovery and past crimes of the Yanu regime as they intersect U.S. corporate/individual interest.”

In another email, Kent wrote to Yovanovitch that the briefing was “further to the Blue Star effort to rehabilitate the reputation of their non-client in the US, former ministry of ecologies Zlochevsky, who clearly has retained the services of a blue chip law firm and his energy company Burisma, which in turn has Hunter Biden on its board.”

Yovanovitch was herself a key figure in impeachment proceedings, recalling how she was ousted from her post and allegedly targeted by Trump allies — some of whom have argued that the concerns about Burisma and the Biden connection were legitimate for the president to press Ukraine on. Trump's move to withhold U.S. aid during that period, though, is what catapulted the controversy into impeachment territory — with the president ultimately impeached by the House and then acquitted by the Senate.

Burisma's founder, former minister of ecologies Mykola Zlochevsky, had been under investigation in Ukraine. The Obama administration pushed for the prosecutor investigating Zlochevsky, Viktor Shokin, to be removed from his post. Shokin was fired in April 2016 and the case was closed by the prosecutor who replaced him, Lutsenko. Joe Biden once boasted on camera that when he was vice president he successfully pressured Ukraine to fire Shokin.

Biden allies, though, maintain that his intervention had nothing to do with his son, but was rather tied to the administration’s concerns of corruption in Ukraine. At the time, as vice president to former President Obama, Biden was running U.S.-Ukraine policy and anti-corruption campaigns.

Meanwhile, another document appeared to be a briefing memo to prepare Yovanovitch for a meeting on Dec. 8, 2016 inside the U.S. Embassy with Burisma representative Karen Tramontano.

“An Atlantic Council member and Washington veteran, Tramontano informally represents Mykola Zlochevsky, the Burisma CEO, who has long been the target of law enforcement proceedings in Ukraine,” the memo stated, adding that Zlochevsky’s “official US representatives sent a letter in September ... asking that the embassy reconsider its position on him.”

Yovanovitch did not make mention of meeting with Burisma representatives during her testimony.

“These newly uncovered documents indicate Ambassador Yovanovitch made false statements under oath during the impeachment charade and this must be thoroughly investigated,” Citizens United president David Bossie told Fox News, adding that “the American people are sick and tired of the double standard.”

Meanwhile, in Ukraine, the Burisma investigation isn't entirely closed. In October 2019, Ukraine’s current prosecutor general, Ruslan Ryaboshapka, said at a news conference that his office was instructed to review cases that have been closed to make sure they were fairly and thoroughly handled — including the probe into Burisma. That announcement did not mean that Ukraine was opening a new investigation into Burisma or the Bidens.

During his testimony last year, Kent said that he raised concerns with Biden's office in 2015 that Hunter Biden’s role on the board of Burisma could present “the possibility of the perception of a conflict of interest.”

Kent also testified during the impeachment hearings that he would “love” to see Ukraine look into the circumstances surrounding the closure of the probe tied to Burisma.

State Department emails indicate Yovanovitch met with Burisma rep, despite testimony
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Woke Talking Points Cost Gillibrand Primary Support

Progressive rhetoric loses politicians support, new study argues

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand's (D., N.Y.) campaign trail discussion of "white privilege" likely hurt her chances among voters, a new study from several prominent scholars argues.

The study—authors of which include noted political demographers George Hawley and Eric Kaufmann—found that the New York senator's explicit allusion to the protective power of her son's "whiteness" made self-identified moderates and conservatives less likely to say they would back her. While the comments earned rave reviews in the media, they reduced overall support for Gillibrand by a third in a hypothetical race.

In a surprise to the authors, exposure to the comments did not make respondents more likely to identify as conservative or to identify with other whites. Those results suggest that voters' distaste for progressive rhetoric is, contrary to critics' claims, decoupled from their ideology and ethnicity.

The findings serve as a cautionary tale for Democratic politicians, including presumptive 2020 nominee Joe Biden: While "woke" language choices may help with the party's far-left base, they likely hurt among more moderate voters.

Woke Talking Points Cost Gillibrand Primary Support
State Department emails indicate Yovanovitch met with Burisma rep, despite testimony

State Department emails obtained by the conservative group Citizens United this week indicate that the former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine was involved in discussions about the natural gas firm Burisma Holdings and even in a meeting with a company representative, despite testifying to Congress during the impeachment inquiry that she knew little about the firm.

Burisma Holdings was at the center of impeachment proceedings against President Trump, after he pressed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky during a phone call to look into the Biden family’s dealings in Ukraine. Former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, held a lucrative position on the board of Burisma Holdings.

During the impeachment hearings, many witnesses were questioned about their knowledge of the Biden-Burisma connection, and the firm's reputation in Ukraine. Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch, during House testimony last year, said she didn't have much knowledge about the firm, and noted that she only learned of its connection to Biden through "press reports" she read while preparing for her Senate confirmation hearing.


“Burisma wasn’t a big issue in the fall … of 2016, when I arrived,” she said, noting that the investigation and details surrounding its closure “happened before I arrived.”

"It was not a focus of what I was doing in that six-month period," she said.

But through a Citizens United Freedom of Information Act request for emails related to Burisma sent by former deputy assistant secretary of state for Europe and Eastern Europe George Kent, the organization obtained more than 160 pages of emails and memos sent during the fall of 2016, including communications between Yovanovitch and U.S. Embassy officials about Burisma Holdings and documents indicating that she met with a representative of the firm at the embassy in December 2016.

The documents were first reported by John Solomon.

In September 2016, Yovanovitch received a letter from Burisma’s American lawyers, John Buretta of Cravath, Swaine and Moore law firm based in New York, alerting her that prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko’s office was dropping a corruption investigation related to Burisma without filing charges. Buretta also called allegations against the firm’s founder “baseless.”

“We respectfully request that Your Excellency take into consideration these objective facts when considering the narrative promoted by some, and no doubt to be repeated again, in disregard of the facts and the law and the decisions by courts,” Buretta wrote the ambassador.

Yovanovitch appeared to forward the email to Kent, who then arranged a briefing for her to discuss the issues. Kent, before the briefing, wrote to colleagues the topics he hoped to discuss, which included “[Burisma founder Mykola] Zlochevsky/Burisma - asset recovery and past crimes of the Yanu regime as they intersect U.S. corporate/individual interest.”

In another email, Kent wrote to Yovanovitch that the briefing was “further to the Blue Star effort to rehabilitate the reputation of their non-client in the US, former ministry of ecologies Zlochevsky, who clearly has retained the services of a blue chip law firm and his energy company Burisma, which in turn has Hunter Biden on its board.”

Yovanovitch was herself a key figure in impeachment proceedings, recalling how she was ousted from her post and allegedly targeted by Trump allies — some of whom have argued that the concerns about Burisma and the Biden connection were legitimate for the president to press Ukraine on. Trump's move to withhold U.S. aid during that period, though, is what catapulted the controversy into impeachment territory — with the president ultimately impeached by the House and then acquitted by the Senate.

Burisma's founder, former minister of ecologies Mykola Zlochevsky, had been under investigation in Ukraine. The Obama administration pushed for the prosecutor investigating Zlochevsky, Viktor Shokin, to be removed from his post. Shokin was fired in April 2016 and the case was closed by the prosecutor who replaced him, Lutsenko. Joe Biden once boasted on camera that when he was vice president he successfully pressured Ukraine to fire Shokin.

Biden allies, though, maintain that his intervention had nothing to do with his son, but was rather tied to the administration’s concerns of corruption in Ukraine. At the time, as vice president to former President Obama, Biden was running U.S.-Ukraine policy and anti-corruption campaigns.

Meanwhile, another document appeared to be a briefing memo to prepare Yovanovitch for a meeting on Dec. 8, 2016 inside the U.S. Embassy with Burisma representative Karen Tramontano.

“An Atlantic Council member and Washington veteran, Tramontano informally represents Mykola Zlochevsky, the Burisma CEO, who has long been the target of law enforcement proceedings in Ukraine,” the memo stated, adding that Zlochevsky’s “official US representatives sent a letter in September ... asking that the embassy reconsider its position on him.”

Yovanovitch did not make mention of meeting with Burisma representatives during her testimony.

“These newly uncovered documents indicate Ambassador Yovanovitch made false statements under oath during the impeachment charade and this must be thoroughly investigated,” Citizens United president David Bossie told Fox News, adding that “the American people are sick and tired of the double standard.”

Meanwhile, in Ukraine, the Burisma investigation isn't entirely closed. In October 2019, Ukraine’s current prosecutor general, Ruslan Ryaboshapka, said at a news conference that his office was instructed to review cases that have been closed to make sure they were fairly and thoroughly handled — including the probe into Burisma. That announcement did not mean that Ukraine was opening a new investigation into Burisma or the Bidens.

During his testimony last year, Kent said that he raised concerns with Biden's office in 2015 that Hunter Biden’s role on the board of Burisma could present “the possibility of the perception of a conflict of interest.”

Kent also testified during the impeachment hearings that he would “love” to see Ukraine look into the circumstances surrounding the closure of the probe tied to Burisma.

State Department emails indicate Yovanovitch met with Burisma rep, despite testimony

Anyone else see the irony of all this verified perjury in light of Flynn's charges. Powers and now this skank. It has been a criminal orchestrated scam for 3 years.
Joe Biden Appoints Bernie Sanders Economic Adviser Who Backs ‘Modern Monetary Theory’

Former Vice President Joe Biden announced a new economic “task force” Wednesday that includes Stephanie Kelton, a former adviser to Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) who is an advocate of the controversial “Modern Monetary Theory” (MMT).


The “task force” is one of six policy groups established by the Biden campaign and staffer by left-wing advisers.

The New Yorker has described Kelton, who is also a professor of economics and public policy at Stony Brook University, as “The Economist Who Believes the Government Should Just Print More Money.”

In a profile last year, the magazine called her “the foremost evangelist of a fringe economic movement called Modern Monetary Theory, which, in part, argues that the government should pay for programs requiring big spending, such as the Green New Deal, by simply printing more money.”

Breitbart News financial editor John Carney explains:
Modern monetary theory argues that the U.S. government’s spending isn’t limited by what it taxes or borrows, although it admits that too much government spending can drive up prices by competing with the private sector for resources. Typically, MMTers think the deficit is too low to support sustained economic growth and should be higher. That means the government could spend much more and tax much less than it does today, although many of the theory’s proponents are leftists who tend to advocate for higher levels of govenment spending. MMT argues that the government should use a job guarantee at a fixed wage to stabilize the economy rather than central bank interest rate policy.​
MMT entered the political debate last year, thanks in part to the big-spending proposals of “democratic socialists” like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). Her “Green New Deal” proposed removing all fossil fuels from the U.S. economy by 2030, and guaranteeing everyone jobs and benefits. The cost was estimated at close to $100 trillion over a decade. Ocasio-Cortez is also advising Biden, as the co-chair of the climate change group (with former Secretary of State John Kerry).

Joe Biden Appoints Bernie Sanders Economic Adviser Who Backs 'Modern Monetary Theory'

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