2020 Presidential Race

Susan Rice becomes latest Democratic woman to throw her name into the race to be Joe Biden's running mate saying she 'certainly would say yes'

Susan Rice, the former ambassador to the United Nations and national security adviser, would tell Joe Biden yes if he asked her to be his running mate.

'I certainly would say yes,' the ex-Obama administration official told Margaret Hoover on her PBS 'Firing Line' show Thursday night.


Susan Rice 'certainly would say yes' if Biden asked her to join the ticket | Daily Mail Online
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Susan Rice becomes latest Democratic woman to throw her name into the race to be Joe Biden's running mate saying she 'certainly would say yes'

Susan Rice, the former ambassador to the United Nations and national security adviser, would tell Joe Biden yes if he asked her to be his running mate.

'I certainly would say yes,' the ex-Obama administration official told Margaret Hoover on her PBS 'Firing Line' show Thursday night.


Susan Rice 'certainly would say yes' if Biden asked her to join the ticket | Daily Mail Online
Trying to get the old corrupt criminal gang back together again
Didn’t they run this story also prior to the 2016 election when they thought Hills had it in the bag?

Yep. They all said trump and his supporters needed to handle the election results with “dignity” and accept them. They then proceeded to lose and refused to accept the results, gathered in public places to scream at the sky or break windows, crap like that 😂
senile joe's new talking points...

What can you tell us about Tara Reade when she was a staffer?
hiden biden - "I can't remember"

What can you tell us about your unmasking request?
hiden biden - "I can't remember"
Ah, the same defense Hillary used when being questioned about the Rose Law Firm files.

Notice how only democrats can get away with using a faulty memory defense? Whether it’s under oath or in front of the media, “I don’t remember” is as effective as pleading the 5th.
Gropin Joe - 1 sexual assault claim

Your President - 20 sexual assault claims
It meets the left’s “if a single child/woman/POC/LGBTQ is harmed by....” standard.

That’s not a defense of Trump, but since the left claims to care about these things, you need to be consistent.
Gropin Joe - 1 sexual assault claim

Your President - 20 sexual assault claims

Since you totally missed the point I’ll dumb it down a little. If the DNC candidate who likes to gives little girls the ole purple nurple ever comes out of his basement and actually engages with the people...do you believe they’ll line the streets with patriotic flags and support?
Since you totally missed the point I’ll dumb it down a little. If the DNC candidate who likes to gives little girls the ole purple nurple ever comes out of his basement and actually engages with the people...do you believe they’ll line the streets with patriotic flags and support?

While Biden is far from the perfect candidate, I do believe people will show up to vote just because he’s not Trump. I think (and admittedly hope) that people have seen the utter failure Trump has been and we as a country do something about it.
While Biden is far from the perfect candidate, I do believe people will show up to vote just because he’s not Trump. I think (and admittedly hope) that people have seen the utter failure Trump has been and we as a country do something about it.
You’d think that after nearly four years, the party that claims to be the the best educated and intelligent could have come up with a better candidate.
While Biden is far from the perfect candidate, I do believe people will show up to vote just because he’s not Trump. I think (and admittedly hope) that people have seen the utter failure Trump has been and we as a country do something about it.

So "people" will show to vote against Trump. I can buy that. The question remains, unanswered I might add, will people line the streets with American flags and Pro-Biden signs for miles just to have his motorcade pass-by and get to wave and show love and support for him?
While Biden is far from the perfect candidate, I do believe people will show up to vote just because he’s not Trump. I think (and admittedly hope) that people have seen the utter failure Trump has been and we as a country do something about it.
Yes some people will show up and vote for Biden because “he’s not trump.” However that won’t be enough to win the election. He has to convince college-educated white men and non-college-educated white women to vote for him. Those two groups are the ones that won Trump the election in 2016.

If he can’t make a coherent argument that he’s the better candidate to get the economy back on track then he won’t win. You don’t defeat incumbent Presidents by simply saying they really suck so you need to vote for me. Ask John Kerry and Mitt Romney how well that worked out for them.
You’d think that after nearly four years, the party that claims to be the the best educated and intelligent could have come up with a better candidate.
On this we agree 100%. Actually I consider it to be nearly 12 years because trotting out Hilliary in 2016 was also a terrible choice.
So "people" will show to vote against Trump. I can buy that. The question remains, unanswered I might add, will people line the streets with American flags and Pro-Biden signs for miles just to have his motorcade pass-by and get to wave and show love and support for him?
He won’t in my opinion. Trump had the advantage in 2016 of being a political outsider which appealed to a lot of people. He won’t have the same support this go round. Whether it’s enough to have an effect remains to be seen. Biden won’t ignite the black vote the way Obama did, but he should still win that demographic handily.
Yes some people will show up and vote for Biden because “he’s not trump.” However that won’t be enough to win the election. He has to convince college-educated white men and non-college-educated white women to vote for him. Those two groups are the ones that won Trump the election in 2016.

If he can’t make a coherent argument that he’s the better candidate to get the economy back on track then he won’t win. You don’t defeat incumbent Presidents by simply saying they really suck so you need to vote for me. Ask John Kerry and Mitt Romney how well that worked out for them.
President Trump will be going against Hillary because of Joe's advanced senility.
While Biden is far from the perfect candidate, I do believe people will show up to vote just because he’s not Trump. I think (and admittedly hope) that people have seen the utter failure Trump has been and we as a country do something about it.

I see your problem, you try to think. It’s apparent that you are incapable of preforming this function.
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I see your problem, you try to think. It’s apparent that you are incapable of preforming this function.
Better to at least attempt to think than be told what to think. I realize it’s hard to formulate an opinion on something that hasn’t been beaten to death by Fox News.

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