2020 Presidential Race

And you teach creationism as a valid theory or just as something people may believe? Which version do you teach?

I can understand saying "and some people just believe their god did the whole thing" but not sure there's much more to it for a history class
So my assumption is you don't believe creationism is a valid theory??
I believe the same question could be asked about evolution theories.
Yet they are based on science, testing, observation, etc . I'm actually curious why he's attempting to teach science in a history class. You shouldn't be deciding what to believe based on the history of the belief anyways. I doubt there's more than one creation story being taught in that class either. Save that for home or place of worship. Which do you think is being taught?
Nikki Haley

Biden opposed the raid that killed Bin Laden. He opposed the attack that killed Iranian general Soleimani, the terrorist mastermind who was responsible for the death of American troops. Biden continues to be on the wrong side of America’s biggest foreign policy questions.
Biden opposed the Abbottabad raid because of the chance the that it would turn into the attempted Tehran raid. He favored dropping a PGB via B-2’s thus keeping ground forces out of the danger of being intercepted by Pakistani F-16s or getting into a firefight with the Pakistani Army.
And you teach creationism as a valid theory or just as something people may believe? Which version do you teach?

I can understand saying "and some people just believe their god did the whole thing" but not sure there's much more to it for a history class
I teach what evolution is and I also teach that some people believe humans were created by God. I tell them to decide for themselves what they want to believe. I also mention that God would have created humans with the ability to evolve, so maybe the correct answer is a little of both. 6th grade History in Tennessee also covers the world religions, so creation must be covered.
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More propaganda.

The question is why is America burning and what is the undercurrent for such protests and riots? I find it comical that the man who has only deepened the divide in this country with his rhetoric now seeks to turn around and proclaim himself the president of law and order and blame the lawlessness on the liberal left. I find it even more comical that people believe his bs.
Yet they are based on science, testing, observation, etc . I'm actually curious why he's attempting to teach science in a history class. You shouldn't be deciding what to believe based on the history of the belief anyways. I doubt there's more than one creation story being taught in that class either. Save that for home or place of worship. Which do you think is being taught?
One shouldn't "be deciding what to believe based on the history of the belief anyway?" Not sure what you mean by this.
Of course, there are several interpretations of the creation story, just as there are of the evolution theory.
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More propaganda.

The question is why is America burning and what is the undercurrent for such protests and riots? I find it comical that the man who has only deepened the divide in this country with his rhetoric now seeks to turn around and proclaim himself the president of law and order and blame the lawlessness on the liberal left. I find it even more comical that people believe his bs.

Let’s delve into that question .. what cities are burning and having riots ? Who are the leaders in those cities ? Who makes the policies in those cities ? I find it interesting that a history major is having problems with HISTORY .
More propaganda.

The question is why is America burning and what is the undercurrent for such protests and riots? I find it comical that the man who has only deepened the divide in this country with his rhetoric now seeks to turn around and proclaim himself the president of law and order and blame the lawlessness on the liberal left. I find it even more comical that people believe his bs.

Whats comical is there are literally zero purposeful, applicable, or achievable goals from the side protesting.

So, what is it they are accomplishing........and consider, you can't make people change........religion, politics, race, all are too emotionally charged......
One shouldn't "be deciding what to believe based on the history of the belief anyway?" Not sure what you mean by this.
Of course, there are several interpretations of the creation story, just as there are of the evolution theory.
And you teach the creation story from every people and religion?
More propaganda.

The question is why is America burning and what is the undercurrent for such protests and riots? I find it comical that the man who has only deepened the divide in this country with his rhetoric now seeks to turn around and proclaim himself the president of law and order and blame the lawlessness on the liberal left. I find it even more comical that people believe his bs.
So it’s Trump’s fault, huh?

Who is rioting?
Who is looting?
Who is burning businesses and neighborhoods?
Who is intimidating people while they eat dinner on restaurant patios?

If you say Trump supporters, I say show me. If you say Trump’s presidency is the reason/motivation for the destruction and violence I say that is weak-minded nonsense.
Let’s delve into that question .. what cities are burning and having riots ? Who are the leaders in those cities ? Who makes the policies in those cities ? I find it interesting that a history major is having problems with HISTORY .
onelilreb...that's funny coming from someone who simply regurgitates the orange man's talking points to address any discussion on here.
So it’s Trump’s fault, huh?

Who is rioting?
Who is looting?
Who is burning businesses and neighborhoods?
Who is intimidating people while they eat dinner on restaurant patios?

If you say Trump supporters, I say show me. If you say Trump’s presidency is the reason/motivation for the destruction and violence I say that is weak-minded nonsense.
Of course you do...you fail to see anything related to your boy trump objectively.

He has contributed to the divide that our society faces and then turns around and blames it on the libs, and says it is only going to get worse if he isn't reelected. Takes a real dumb-dumb to believe his bs.
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