2020 Presidential Race

No it’s not. As much as people cry racism the only examples of their so called “racism” are lawless criminals being killed by cops or overdosing while resisting arrest. There aren’t “rednecks” or white militants running around killing black people in droves. On the flip side plenty of white people are being killed by lawless black thugs.

I just read her post in Don Lemons voice , it helps me understand why . Smh
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Again...my point is that trump only makes the division worse.

So just Trump making the division worse to you? Never mind people like Kamala harris crying about “modern day lynchings” over trump supporters attacking a black man,which turned out to be a hoax btw. Or how about Maxine waters telling people to confront trump supporters in public, wherever you see them? How about all of these weak democrat governors allowing businesses to be burned, people brutally beaten or killed? All trump huh? Sure...
So just Trump making the division worse to you? Never mind people like Kamala harris crying about “modern day lynchings” over trump supporters attacking a black man,which turned out to be a hoax btw. Or how about Maxine waters telling people to confront trump supporters in public, wherever you see them? How about all of these weak democrat governors allowing businesses to be burned, people brutally beaten or killed? All trump huh? Sure...
Are you saying Trump doesn't make the division worse?
So just Trump making the division worse to you? Never mind people like Kamala harris crying about “modern day lynchings” over trump supporters attacking a black man,which turned out to be a hoax btw. Or how about Maxine waters telling people to confront trump supporters in public, wherever you see them? How about all of these weak democrat governors allowing businesses to be burned, people brutally beaten or killed? All trump huh? Sure...
Small difference between trump and the folks you mention. He's the freaking president of the country and should act like it. Referring to cities in the very country he represents as "sh!tholes," making negative comments about states with democratic governors, and not denouncing hate speech only cheapens and demeans the office he was elected to hold.
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Yes he’s makes it much worse. The guy in office before him made it much worse. The guy in office before that guy made it much worse. Notice a pattern?
Not really.
You're not trying to say that it's worsening at a constant rate are you? Because that would be categorically wrong.

And when do you think this worsening trend began?

Plus we should never forget that some found segregation divisive and some found integration divisive, but they were in no way comparable in their justifications.
Are you saying Trump doesn't make the division worse?

Trump has a big mouth and says stupid things that cause division. So did Obama. So does the doofus you guys are putting up as vp. So does Biden. You could literally say that about any politician, so stop pretending this is something only seen with trump. And you can shove your continuum up your a**, so don’t even go there 😂
Small difference between trump and the folks you mention. He's the freaking president of the country and should act like it. Referring to cities in the very country he represents as "sh!tholes," making negative comments about states with democratic governors, and not denouncing hate speech only cheapens and demeans the office he was elected to hold.

And yet, I bet you’re all in on voting for Biden and will rationalize all the divisive things he’s done or said away by saying “we’ll it’s not trump”.
And yet, I bet you’re all in on voting for Biden and will rationalize all the divisive things he’s done or said away by saying “we’ll it’s not trump”.
Actually, I am an independent and don't let either party dictate to me who I will vote for, and I don't attempt to rationalize everything the candidate I eventually end up voting for has done or said.
That being said, of course I'm not inclined to vote for a man who, on a daily basis, makes a mockery of the office.
Trump has a big mouth and says stupid things that cause division. So did Obama. So does the doofus you guys are putting up as vp. So does Biden. You could literally say that about any politician, so stop pretending this is something only seen with trump. And you can shove your continuum up your a**, so don’t even go there 😂
Of course you don't want me to go there, because it's at that exact moment that you Trumpers lose your argument.
Trumpers: "Everybody is sh!t, so it doesn't matter that Trump is sh!t."
What a horrible foundation upon which to build your support.
You know, as well as most every other Trumper, that Trump is worse........across multiple categories.
The attempt to equalize all negatives is pathetic.
It's just as stupid as attempting to equalize all positives.
Of course you don't want me to go there, because it's at that exact moment that you Trumpers lose your argument.
Trumpers: "Everybody is sh!t, so it doesn't matter that Trump is sh!t."
What a horrible foundation upon which to build your support.
You know, as well as most every other Trumper, that Trump is worse........across multiple categories.
The attempt to equalize all negatives is pathetic.
It's just as stupid as attempting to equalize all positives.

No, I don’t want you to go there because your continuum is a load of horse sh**. And you want to talk about rationalizing things away? Biden has said far more racist things. He been in dc 40 years and what has he done? Not sh**. But now all of a sudden he’s going to do something? And his vp already stated that she believes Biden’s accused of sexual assault, and claimed he’s racist. If you want to see rationalization, look at yourself and all your liberal buddies who have spent years crying about these very things with trump, which you will now defend and try to explain away as you cast your vote to a man guilty of the same things. Loosen your pu*** hat Luther, you’re not as smart as you think you are.
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Of course you don't want me to go there, because it's at that exact moment that you Trumpers lose your argument.
Trumpers: "Everybody is sh!t, so it doesn't matter that Trump is sh!t."
What a horrible foundation upon which to build your support.
You know, as well as most every other Trumper, that Trump is worse........across multiple categories.
The attempt to equalize all negatives is pathetic.
It's just as stupid as attempting to equalize all positives.

Also, want to highlight a quote from you:
Trumpers: "Everybody is sh!t, so it doesn't matter that Trump is sh!t."
What a horrible foundation upon which to build your support.”
meanwhile, you and many others have stated you will vote for anyone, just as long as it’s not trump. Doesn’t matter how sh** that candidate is, it’s just not trump. In your own hypocritical words, “What a horrible foundation upon which to build your support.”
One shouldn't "be deciding what to believe based on the history of the belief anyway?" Not sure what you mean by this.
Of course, there are several interpretations of the creation story, just as there are of the evolution theory.
I just believe I should teach all sides, not just my side. I think that is what teachers should do. Let the individual student decide.

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