2020 Presidential Race

The democrats know to stay away from Trump. If you roll around in the mud with him you'll come out worse. They hid Hillary as long as they could 4 years ago, but it wasn't long enough. It would be quintessentially 2020 for the presidential election to have two primary candidates who never even spoke to each other.

It's not going to work. America is starting to wake up. Remember there is also a heavier % of voters that are Trump supporters not showing up in their polling data. The electoral victory could be worse than 2016.
Say what now? Obama allegedly did what exactly? Pretty sure all his stuff was out of the Oval office by Inauguration. Donald on the other hand - he's setting the stage for staying in office regardless of the election outcome by rabblerousing his base to believe that the "only way he'll lose" is if the election is rigged.

These are the very words of authoritarian dictators around the globe.
Omg..... you’ve finally gone full retard
So, you basically don't think blacks can think for themselves and choose a viable candidate that represents the values they individually espouse? Or, they may not choose who you want them to choose because they can't critically think? Yep, sounds like Biden.
The most racist person in 2020 is the white liberal.
The most racist person in 2020 is the white liberal.

Ah yes... You are correct. The white Radical Left, which has hijacked the liberal front. Absolutely dumber than hell but wants to flex on intelligence. The name of the game is control.

Watch... one of these DAs will challenge me on this.
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LIKE 2016?
Trump voters' enthusiasm ‘OFF THE CHARTS’ vs. rival's, says lib filmmaker

Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore offered a dire warning to Democrats after the conclusion of the Republican Convention, telling the "Resistance" that the level of voter excitement for President Trump far exceeds that for Democratic nominee Joe Biden.
"Sorry to have to provide the reality check again, but when CNN polled registered voters in August in just the swing states, Biden and Trump were in a virtual tie. In Minnesota, it’s 47-47. In Michigan, where Biden had a big lead, Trump has closed the gap to 4 points," Moore began a Facebook post on Friday.
"Are you ready for a Trump victory? Are you mentally prepared to be outsmarted by Trump again? Do you find comfort in your certainty that there is no way Trump can win? Are you content with the trust you’ve placed in the DNC to pull this off?"
Ah yes... You are correct. The white Radical Left, which has hijacked the liberal front. Absolutely dumber than hell but wants to flex on intelligence. The name of the game is control.

Watch... one of these DAs will challenge me on this.

WOKE on power. They are the lead anarchists and they have shown up in every protest. Yes, blacks are reeking mayhem with looting and rioting as well, but it is anarchists (Bernies Bros) that are there continuing the fight in places like Portland and Seattle though it seems quieter now. They salivate over another opportunity at revolution. Timely placed rock, the riot gear, etc. It's the white leftist mainly but other cultures like hispanics and asians are also prevalent. Blacks may be the lowest % in this group.

99% of these clowns that vote are going Biden.

Notice we don't see Zeppelin posting. I hope he is ok. Perhaps he joined the Biden campaign. I know he has a real problem with Bernie bros and that might cause him to sit this election out. There will be a lot like that or they will switch over.
If you can stand in a crowd for hours surely you can stand in a line for 15 minutes to vote?

We know what this is really about and it ain't COVID-19. Otherwise those people that don't won't to stand in line could get an absentee ballot. They think and could be right that the majority of the country is liberal. They want to almost "force" them to vote.

If they got a bad as$ kid, like the ones that go out at night to riot, then they may steal the ballot and turn it in for them. Maybe they'll get a bunch that aren't eligible to vote too for good measure.

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