2020 Presidential Race


Is Trump fit for office? He obviously has health issues and mental disabilities he is dealing with.

I actually expected you to say it was the giant golden Swastika hanging around his neck he got as a gift from Putin from Hitlers bunker . I got you and Monty mixed up . Sorry .
Orange man deepens the divide by stoking racism, pandering to uneducated white folks and the 1%'s, and by villainizing anyone that doesn't agree with him.
This all happens under his watch, then he turns the White House and Rose Garden into nothing more than backdrops for his bs infomercial.
During his infomercial, he attempts to spread fear about the protests and riots that are occurring under his watch, and to some degree are stoked by the undercurrent of anger related to the very racial strife he promotes.
Basically, he has created a sh!t show for the last 3 1/2 years, and then turns around and says, "if you want this violence to continue, then vote for Sleepy Joe."
Makes perfect sense to me!
The Dems and media are playing you for a fool. I heard recently that the Wikileaks emails even included emails where the DNC was plotting to paint Trump as a racist because he was polling well with POC at the time. It’s amazing that you try to portray Trump supporters as you do and fail to see that’s exactly what Dems are doing to you. Your name is apropos.
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Because they can’t control their emotions . Is my guess . They operate on emotion first instead of logic . Unicorn uptopias are built on butterflies , no hurt feelings and everyone being equal in all situations from top to bottom . One day they think they will catch that unicorn .. maybe that’s why they are burning and destroying everything , maybe they think the unicorn is trapped inside something . 😂
It’s always emotions, jealously, anger, frustration, lack of intelligent thinking and wanting to blame others to why they are losers in life.
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So are they going to fact check this. I mean it's complete 🐃💩!

I mean one side said we should reopen schools and Universities and play football & other sports and that wasn't Joe Biden & the dimocrats!

what? where did I lie?

From the site you linked
Frontotemporal disorders (FTD) is an umbrella term that is also used to describe the prime of life diseases. There are different types of frontotemporal disorders:
  • Progressive behavior/personality decline—characterized by changes in personality, behavior, emotions, and judgment (called behavioral variant frontotemporal dementia, often referred to as FTD, frontotemporal dementia)
  • Progressive language decline—marked by early changes in language ability, including speaking, understanding, reading, and writing (called primary progressive aphasia or PPA)
  • Progressive motor decline—characterized by various difficulties with physical movement, including the use of one or more limbs, shaking, difficulty walking, frequent falls, and poor coordination

Sounds like Trump to me.

He obviously is suffering cognitive issues.
You know the polls aren't looking good when it's been a whole day since @carlos86 posted a poll.
I've been kind of busy but Trafalgar is a terrible poll that has a 5.6% margin of error. Its so bad that RCP refuses to use it in its polling average. Change Research is garbage too and it has Biden up 6.
I've been kind of busy but Trafalgar is a terrible poll that has a 5.6% margin of error. Its so bad that RCP refuses to use it in its polling average. Change Research is garbage too and it has Biden up 6.
Lol just messing with you. I don't know anything about the polls at all.
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I've been kind of busy but Trafalgar is a terrible poll that has a 5.6% margin of error. Its so bad that RCP refuses to use it in its polling average. Change Research is garbage too and it has Biden up 6.
Well I guess that RCP changed their minds, because they’re using Trafalgar this time around.
So are they going to fact check this. I mean it's complete 🐃💩!

I mean one side said we should reopen schools and Universities and play football & other sports and that wasn't Joe Biden & the dimocrats!

Nice try, Joe. People actually have a pretty good memory unlike someone else we know. Lol
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