2020 Presidential Race

LOL. When you click on the link, it takes you to....? Who? What polling service might say this???

Hmmmmm..... LOL
Hey I am not a big believer in the accuracy of polls, but they give perspective. Unless you think the poll is a fraud, there is a portion of Dem and Independent voters who believe this. Dismiss it if you like but It is an issue and laughing about it does not make it go away.
Source, as defined by Volnation Trumpers: an opinion article with my preferred opinion, a defunct 4-chan thread on the internet archive, Twitter Bots Gone Wild , Q-Anon fart lighting, YouTuber in his Mom's basement, MEMES ARE GREAT AGAIN!!!, or a real article that often contradicts their assertions if you read the entire thing.
It was a Rasmussen Poll . Such a bad take for you.
Hey I am not a big believer in the accuracy of polls, but they give perspective. Unless you think the poll is a fraud, there is a portion of Dem and Independent voters who believe this. Dismiss it if you like but It is an issue and laughing about it does not make it go away.

110% of Volnation PF participants polled believe polls that don't confirm their preferred outcomes are fatally flawed and riddled with bias. That poll may have had some methodology issues though.
Sacrilege. And they chose the wrong Cohen song. Should have plundered Waiting for the Miracle if they're going to plunder a Cohen song. Matches the mood of the Trump campaign ... and the fact that they'll need a miracle

I’ll bet you one month of posting on VN that Trump, not Biden, will be President a second term. So if Trump is sworn in on January 20, 2021 then as of 12:00 am Eastern time on January 21 you have to take an entire month off of VN. If it’s Biden then I’ll take a month off. If something crazy happens and neither is sworn in on that day then it’ll be a push. Deal?
It was a Rasmussen Poll . Such a bad take for you.

It was a pretty damn good take if you read the whole thing. We can all do better than outlier polls and, worse, opinion pieces about outlier polls. Not calling out just one person, and I am certainly guilty of the same stuff at times.
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It was a pretty damn good take if you read the whole thing. We can all do better than outlier polls and, worse, opinion pieces about outlier polls. Not calling out just one person, and I am certainly guilty of the same stuff at times.

I only referenced the first paragraph. I would not consider it an outlier poll when it is only 1 of 2 that I have seen even ask the question. The other was Zogby, and I did not bother, well as you know.

I always question the accuracy of polls, but they do give perspective. There are certainly a number of dems and indies that question Biden’s mental health. Whether it is 20% idk for sure but all I have to go on.
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Dem sheep are manscaped metrosexual betas soaked in Axe body spray and sipping pumpkin spice IPAs.

GOP sheep are hard working blue collar types who may party a little too hard on the weekend.
Idk where you people come up with this crap

Side note, every man should trim up a little bit. Your wife will appreciate it, assuming you are even getting any action
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