2020 Presidential Race

I've been kind of busy but Trafalgar is a terrible poll that has a 5.6% margin of error. Its so bad that RCP refuses to use it in its polling average. Change Research is garbage too and it has Biden up 6.
Terrible? Here is RCP praising them. I think all these polls are a crap shoot, for what it’s worth, but this group has done pretty well in the past.

Pollster Who Got It Right in 2016 Does It Again
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How in the world does she know those 2 examples cited in the story had anything at all to do with race? Is it possible? Sure. Is it definite based on the details in this story? Not even close. Surely she has better examples than that but sharing stories where she assumes racist motivations does nothing to help. Regardless, if it is such an issue to Michelle then maybe she should have gotten her husband to do something about it while in office since Dems love to pander to POC about all the ways they’re going to fix racism and make things equal.

I just think it is bad taste for a First Lady to make everything a racial issue. No wonder the base has low expectations.

Which means their obvious playbook will be cheat by mail, have their high priestess declare we’ll never concede, have pre-prepared armies of leftist litigators, and cry Trump stole the election. All the while continued burning, looting and anarchy to distract from the complete disasters of their candidates and platform.
Which means their obvious playbook will be cheat by mail, have their high priestess declare we’ll never concede, have pre-prepared armies of leftist litigators, and cry Trump stole the election. All the while continued burning, looting and anarchy to distract from the complete disasters of their candidates and platform.
Exactly right.

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