2020 Presidential Race

Genocide and war crimes? These people are bat **** View attachment 303367

At this point, they've resorted to throwing anything to the wall and seeing what sticks.

Lots of Dems on Twitter begging Joe to come out and do rallys... problem is he has no supporters his only support comes from anti Trump...he didn't have any crowds on the campaign trail and was basically given the nomination when the DNC told the other moderates to drop out
The only people that might get Trump Reelected are the people that vote for him. It's like you're trying to blame BLM for Trump voters. SMH

The timing of all of this is just perfect for Trump.

While Biden is condemning and disavowed violence by either radical left or right, and urging calm, Trump criticizes only violence from the left, and celebrates and defends it from the right.

Trump is truly an evil person. Very manipulative.
The timing of all of this is just perfect for Trump.

While Biden is condemning and disavowed violence by either radical left or right, and urging calm, Trump criticizes only violence from the left, and celebrates and defends it from the right.

Trump is truly an evil person. Very manipulative.
Biden didn't come out and say squat until some on his side started to comment about his lack of voice on the subject.

Biden is a sock puppet.
This is strange and unexpected... and frankly, hard to make sense of.

I went to Real Clear Politics this morning, and expected to see that the right leaning Rasmussen Reports had given Trump a post-convention bounce... and yet, they are the only poll that had Trump's approval rating going down - and it went down 3 points during the convention - which doesn't make any sense. Rasmussen now has Trump's approval rating at 46%. While that is still higher than any other poll, it really doesn't figure that it would go down that much during a convention that was a complete showcase for him.

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