2020 Presidential Race

Dan Bongino (@dbongino) Tweeted:
There’s no doubt anymore. The Obama/Biden regime was, by far, the most corrupt administration in the history of the United States. There isn’t even a close second. What they did to this country is disgusting, and it should serve as a troubling, cautionary tale.
Why risk it? He’s not going to give Trump fodder. On top of that every single Trump supporter who bashed Obama and his vacations needs to just own their hypocrisy. But sadly they don’t. Kind of like all the Trump supporters who say flatly that they hate socialism. Yet Trump signed off on the biggest socialist moves in any of our life times. Usually their excuse is well the other guy is worse. Such a position of cowardice.
Now that’s an interesting take because that’s all I hear out of people voting for Biden. Biden sucks but Trump is worse.
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Good to know that if I do not agree with the election result, game on.
That's not what I said. I said Trump was a once in 300 year catastrophic anomaly. If you HONESTLY view a Biden victory in that way, then I would certainly hope, game on.
It was an unprecedented reaction for a very good reason.
Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) Tweeted:
1. What a pathetic joke. These hacks have zero evidence. They create smoke to give Biden and the media cover when there’s plenty of evidence the laptop is Hunter Biden’s. These jerks are using their own disinformation campaign to deceive the public.
Randy Quaid (@RandyRRQuaid) Tweeted:
Joe Biden traded the security of our country for cash—period! He is totally compromised.

I don’t care what media types think anyways.... I’m not talking about his comment here but randy quaid is way out there.
Trump on track to win with ‘hidden’ support, pollster says
With two weeks left until Election Day, 35 million Americans having already voted, and most polls showing Joe Biden leading President Trump, Trafalgar Group chief pollster Robert Cahaly told “Hannity” Tuesday the incumbent is likely to be reelected.
“I see the president winning with a minimum [electoral vote count in the] high 270s and possibly going up significantly higher based on just how big this undercurrent is,” Cahaly told host Sean Hannity.
The Georgia-based Trafalgar Group drew national attention in 2016 as one of the few pollsters showing Trump leading in Pennsylvania, Florida and Michigan on the eve of voting day. Trump swept all three states en route to his stunning win over Hillary Clinton.
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Too convenient... and since this story wants to also involve child pornography, it's too similar to another hoax - PizzaGate. That is a pretty ambitious step to take. They were better off just leaving it as Hunter Biden using his father's name to sell political influence. This is just too much.

The next step is Hunter selling Uranium to China.
The next step is Hunter selling Uranium to China.
I don’t tend to follow stories like this too closely but my favorite part is watching one side claim it is true and the other side whole heartedly defend it..... then something new will come up with even less evidence..... the sides will switch positions....... it happens with the media as well.
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I don’t tend to follow stories like this too closely but my favorite part is watching one side claim it is true and the other side whole heartedly defend it..... then something new will come up with even less evidence..... the sides will switch positions....... it happens with the media as well.

I don’t know what’s true. Do you think the timing is suspicious?

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