2020 Presidential Race

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Not gullible at all to think that someone like Hunter would be a child porn addict in addition to crack...images have been confirmed by police in Delaware...there is a note on the computer where Hunter tells Joe that the child told their therapist
Once again, do you have a valid source which confirms these claims? You have made a peculiarly specific allegation here.
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I wouldn't be sure the "turnout" doesn't favor Trump. Just look at the numbers for his rallies. Does that look like an unenthused base? Now provided that's for campaign rallies and not for voting, but Republicans are out registering Democrats in a lot of places. There is a study (not looking it up) but it's something like 85% of those who register less than 6 months before a vote will vote.

Also, Biden hasn't been doing himself favors by not getting out there. His tax plan is not drawing voters and whether you want to admit it or not, this scandal involves the whole Biden clan.

Furthermore, he's taking a serious risk in taking the minority vote for granted. He's starting to lose that big time.

There is just no enthusiasm with him. At least with Hillary they had the "she's a woman" angle to play. Biden has no hook, no message and voters are asking themselves "why change?"

I disagree with almost every word of this except for the people aren’t excited about Biden part, and I disagree that that is significant.

However, if you believe this, maybe you should send letters to the Republican leadership in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas, and tell them to stop trying to make it harder for people to vote. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Further proof that you don't read anything outside of your safe space...the original story said there were images...go on keep defending we are enjoying your twisting and turning https://www.google.com/amp/s/nypost...iden-introduced-ukrainian-biz-man-to-dad/amp/
I have read that and it makes reference to sexually explicit images of women, but doesn't say a word about child pornography or anything related to a note left for his dad. Also, there isn't anything in that article which says that a law enforcement agency has confirmed the existence of child pornography on the laptop.

So, once again... do you have a valid source which confirms the claims of child pornography that you have made? Or are you making it up?
I have read that and it makes reference to sexually explicit images of women, but doesn't say a word about child pornography or anything related to a note left for his dad. Also, there isn't anything in that article which says that a law enforcement agency has confirmed the existence of child pornography on the laptop.

So, once again... do you have a valid source which confirms the claims of child pornography that you have made? Or are you making it up?
The agent that picked up the laptop specializes in child porn cases...so are you ready to admit that Russia had nothing to do with this?
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I disagree with almost every word of this except for the people aren’t excited about Biden part, and I disagree that that is significant.

However, if you believe this, maybe you should send letters to the Republican leadership in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas, and tell them to stop trying to make it harder for people to vote. 🤷🏻‍♂️

Well, at least you have your excuse when Joe gets beat.
The agent that picked up the laptop specializes in child porn cases...so are you ready to admit that Russia had nothing to do with this?

Answer my question... you are dodging my point.

Do you have a valid source that a law enforcement agency has confirmed that there were images of child pornography on Hunter Biden's laptop? Talking about what an agent specializes in, doesn't do that at all. And what is that agent's name by the way?

In an earlier post, you claimed that police in Delaware had confirmed that there was child pornography on Hunter Biden's laptop. What was your source for that? Were you making it up?
Not gullible at all to think that someone like Hunter would be a child porn addict in addition to crack...images have been confirmed by police in Delaware...there is a note on the computer where Hunter tells Joe that the child told their therapist

Nope. You're just gullible.
Answer my question... you are dodging my point.

Do you have a valid source that a law enforcement agency has confirmed that there were images of child pornography on Hunter Biden's laptop? Talking about what an agent specializes in, doesn't do that at all. And what is that agent's name by the way?

In an earlier post, you claimed that police in Delaware had confirmed that there was child pornography on Hunter Biden's laptop. What was your source for that? Were you making it up?
I'm so very very sorry that this is happening to you...again Russia Boy
Answer my question... you are dodging my point.

Do you have a valid source that a law enforcement agency has confirmed that there were images of child pornography on Hunter Biden's laptop? Talking about what an agent specializes in, doesn't do that at all. And what is that agent's name by the way?

In an earlier post, you claimed that police in Delaware had confirmed that there was child pornography on Hunter Biden's laptop. What was your source for that? Were you making it up?

How often does the FBI make comments this early in an investigation. The Bidens being in hiding speaks volumes though.
Not gullible at all to think that someone like Hunter would be a child porn addict in addition to crack...images have been confirmed by police in Delaware...there is a note on the computer where Hunter tells Joe that the child told their therapist
These were your very specific claims. Nothing like this appears in the NY Post article. Do you have a valid source for your claims that images of child pornography were found on Hunter Biden's laptop and that there was a note on the computer where Hunter Biden tells his father that a child told their therapist (about something?).
How often does the FBI make comments this early in an investigation. The Bidens being in hiding speaks volumes though.
You are making my point! They wouldn't. Which is why I'm calling BS on @VolnJC for claiming that police in Delaware have confirmed that there were pornographic images of children on Hunter Biden's laptop. He also made a bizarre claim about a note. He has yet to provide a source. What kind of demented loser makes up a story like that?
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Trump provides all of the necessary energy in that regard. Why change? Because of the hate for Trump. And if Democrats lack enthusiasm, then why are the fundraising numbers so lopsided in their favor? Biden is crushing Trump financially. That is true in most of the key Senate races as well.

Lol, the same people that voted against him because they hate him are the same people voting against him now. Those numbers have not changed at all. On the same token, those that vote against anyone with a (D) behind their name aren't changing either.

But again, a lot of people that weren't "political" are unhappy to say the least with what's going on. Case in point, my boss's wife just registered to vote and went straight Republican. Why? Because she is extremely unhappy with Pelosi even if she has nothing to do with our state.

The other big ticket item that's hurting Democrats is this talk of additional lockdowns. There was a poll recently that 70% of the responses said "we need to adapt and move on." Only 24% said we needed more lovkdowns. You can't get 70% of Americans to agree on anything these days. But they do NOT want more government overreach and want to get back to normal.

If you really want to talk these fundraising numbers, since when have Republicans ever out raised Democrats? And really, how much of this is coming from those evil PACs the Democrats hate?

There are too many factors going against Biden right now to clearly say "Trump will be voted out because people hate him." Or an even more silly point of "they are getting more donations."
Not gullible at all to think that someone like Hunter would be a child porn addict in addition to crack...images have been confirmed by police in Delaware...there is a note on the computer where Hunter tells Joe that the child told their therapist
Still waiting on a valid source for this.

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