2020 Presidential Race

Not gullible at all to think that someone like Hunter would be a child porn addict in addition to crack...images have been confirmed by police in Delaware...there is a note on the computer where Hunter tells Joe that the child told their therapist

Do you have a valid source confirming that a law enforcement agency has said that there were images of child pornography on Hunter Biden's laptop?
Apparently*, registered republicans are talking to pollsters more this year than in 2016 and the number saying they’re voting for Biden is far less than the margin. The problem with the polls is they adjust for what they think the electorate will be and we may have unprecedented turnout this year.

Based on Republican efforts in Texas, Pennsylvania, and Ohio, it seems nobody really expects high turnout to be positive for Trump, so I’m not sure that that would change the result, either. But that hardly seems conclusive.

Side note: I thought the efforts at vote suppression really bit republicans in the dick in WI this summer, and fired up everybody they were trying to suppress to go wait in line to vote for that Supreme Court race. The fact that TX has already had more than 50% of their 2016 voter turnout makes me wonder if Abbot screwed up. I’m highly skeptical that Texas will ever go to the Dems, and it could be that turnout is just being pushed back to early voting, but the turnout is wild.

*- I wouldn’t take the time to look this up without being well paid, but I’ve seen that coming from people who are paid to look it up.

I wouldn't be sure the "turnout" doesn't favor Trump. Just look at the numbers for his rallies. Does that look like an unenthused base? Now provided that's for campaign rallies and not for voting, but Republicans are out registering Democrats in a lot of places. There is a study (not looking it up) but it's something like 85% of those who register less than 6 months before a vote will vote.

Also, Biden hasn't been doing himself favors by not getting out there. His tax plan is not drawing voters and whether you want to admit it or not, this scandal involves the whole Biden clan.

Furthermore, he's taking a serious risk in taking the minority vote for granted. He's starting to lose that big time.

There is just no enthusiasm with him. At least with Hillary they had the "she's a woman" angle to play. Biden has no hook, no message and voters are asking themselves "why change?"
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Yes but I also find it suspicious that people that use to hang with trump all the time now call him racist when he became the “republican” president.......it’s also suspicious that media is deleting and trying to prevent people from talking about it and the Biden camp seems to be hiding from the info.

To be fair, there were plenty of accusations that he was racist long ago.
Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) Tweeted:
If the FBI had the laptop all along why did they let Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats impeach @realDonaldTrump for literally being 100% right about Joe Biden?

FBI leadership is corrupted.

LOL I guess Jr isn't aware that the President's men are the leaders of the FBI.
I wouldn't be sure the "turnout" doesn't favor Trump. Just look at the numbers for his rallies. Does that look like an unenthused base? Now provided that's for campaign rallies and not for voting, but Republicans are out registering Democrats in a lot of places. There is a study (not looking it up) but it's something like 85% of those who register less than 6 months before a vote will vote.

Also, Biden hasn't been doing himself favors by not getting out there. His tax plan is not drawing voters and whether you want to admit it or not, this scandal involves the whole Biden clan.

Furthermore, he's taking a serious risk in taking the minority vote for granted. He's starting to lose that big time.

There is just no enthusiasm with him. At least with Hillary they had the "she's a woman" angle to play. Biden has no hook, no message and voters are asking themselves "why change?"
I can assure you it isn’t just Biden people voting early in TX many of my friends most of whom are GOP have already voted. It’s so easy to early vote in TX and with the desire to avoid big crowds right now it just makes sense.
I wouldn't be sure the "turnout" doesn't favor Trump. Just look at the numbers for his rallies. Does that look like an unenthused base? Now provided that's for campaign rallies and not for voting, but Republicans are out registering Democrats in a lot of places. There is a study (not looking it up) but it's something like 85% of those who register less than 6 months before a vote will vote.

Also, Biden hasn't been doing himself favors by not getting out there. His tax plan is not drawing voters and whether you want to admit it or not, this scandal involves the whole Biden clan.

Furthermore, he's taking a serious risk in taking the minority vote for granted. He's starting to lose that big time.

There is just no enthusiasm with him. At least with Hillary they had the "she's a woman" angle to play. Biden has no hook, no message and voters are asking themselves "why change?"
Trump provides all of the necessary energy in that regard. Why change? Because of the hate for Trump. And if Democrats lack enthusiasm, then why are the fundraising numbers so lopsided in their favor? Biden is crushing Trump financially. That is true in most of the key Senate races as well.
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The Real Clear Politics General Election National Polling Average has Biden's lead at 8.4% - 51.0% to 42.6%. It hasn't changed much at all in the last two months. You can always find some polls which are closer than that, and some polls which are more widespread than that... but the average of the polls hasn't moved much on Real Clear Politics. Having said that, the General Election National Polls are meaningless. The polls to watch are from the individual states - most notably Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan. They also show Biden with a lead.

Finally, this gets back to an inconsistency with Trump supporters/conservatives/Republicans when it comes to polling data. You denounce them as unreliable and bring up the 2016 election when they show Trump behind, but then post them and tout a "tightening race" whenever they show Trump gaining ground. This shows that it's not polls that you don't like... it is what they normally suggest that bothers you.
I don’t agree with any polls..... pro trump or negative trump.... I feel it is all nonsense
Trump provides all of the necessary energy in that regard. Why change? Because of the hate for Trump. And if Democrats lack enthusiasm, then why are the fundraising numbers so lopsided in their favor? Biden is crushing Trump financially. That is true in most of the key Senate races as well.
I’m confused..... I thought rich people influence was a bad thing.
I keep waiting for a Biden apologist to call it “fake news”, but so far they’ve maintained their composure and remain silently furious that Trump coined the phrase first.
He continuously uses phrases that his third grade reading level supporters can appreciate. Sleepy Joe, Crooked Hillary, Fake News, Low Energy, Wrong, Best, Fantastic, Worst, Terrible... I’m so jealous.
They will cut Trump’s mic and he will be blocked from doing that. Either that debate is called off or it’s going to end abruptly. The only wild card is how much is Joe going to lose it before the media intercedes on his behalf.
He is just going to yell louder lol

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