2020 Presidential Race

Not at all. I don't see anything wrong with doing business with the most populated country in the world. It makes sense to me. That goes for Biden as well.

There in lies the rub huh? Which was actual "business" and which was political influence being sold? I am Not ready to convict Biden yet. We shall see in the next few days.
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It is hilarious to watch the reversal of people’s attitudes on here. For literally years the left leaning posters swore up and down that every morsel of information about Trump/Russia was the real thing and just wait until he is brought down. Now the same folks are saying nothing to see here. The right leaning posters have done the same too.
Can’t we all just agree that it is concerning and we should get to the bottom of it and then make up our minds or would that prevent the fun you all have in arguing with each other?
You seriously think he wanted other people - media strangers - watching him jerk off? Come on. Risk his job / trash his reputation? Not a chance. This would be one of the most embarrassing things ever.
I can’t say what the guy wanted but he didn’t accidentally masturbate. Like I said, maybe you’re saying the getting caught was accidental but he made a conscious choice to masturbate while on a Zoom call. That’s not a mistake.
The Real Clear Politics General Election National Polling Average has Biden's lead at 8.4% - 51.0% to 42.6%. It hasn't changed much at all in the last two months. You can always find some polls which are closer than that, and some polls which are more widespread than that... but the average of the polls hasn't moved much on Real Clear Politics. Having said that, the General Election National Polls are meaningless. The polls to watch are from the individual states - most notably Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Michigan. They also show Biden with a lead.

Finally, this gets back to an inconsistency with Trump supporters/conservatives/Republicans when it comes to polling data. You denounce them as unreliable and bring up the 2016 election when they show Trump behind, but then post them and tout a "tightening race" whenever they show Trump gaining ground. This shows that it's not polls that you don't like... it is what they normally suggest that bothers you.
I think they’re all stupid so maybe your comment is aimed elsewhere.
The reference is tripe. I’ve read the claims they simply don’t hold true. It’s ridiculously easy to vote in Texas so hey I guess the GOP got the message 😂
What “claims” did you “read?” In Texas there was a gubernatorial order and in all three states, republicans filed lawsuits to limit voting in some way.

Pretty tough to pass that off as “claims,” unless you can’t read or are lying about reading about it.
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What “claims” did you “read?” In Texas there was a gubernatorial order and in all three states, republicans filed lawsuits to limit voting in some way.

Pretty tough to pass that off as “claims,” unless you can’t read or are lying about reading about it.
The issue is TX was drive thru voting in Harris county. It’s laughable and not needed and you trying to sell it as some major form of voter suppression is more laughable. Voting is easy in TX I’d rather have drive thru daiquiri stands than drive thru voting it would be more beneficial to the public

Run along with your BS “but this is a big deal”
You mean fringe kooks like CBS News and Newsweek....says alot about you folks that you would sweep widespread corruption under the table in order to have someone else pick up the tab for your healthcare

You should really step outside your bubble now and then.
The issue is TX was drive thru voting in Harris county. It’s laughable and not needed and you trying to sell it as some major form of voter suppression is more laughable. Voting is easy in TX I’d rather have drive thru daiquiri stands than drive thru voting it would be more beneficial to the public
Lol. Not bad for someone of limited literacy, but still completely wrong.

Abbott‘s order restricted absentee ballot drop boxes to 1 location per county across the state, including multiple counties with millions of residents. That made it more difficult to vote. In particular it made it more difficult for residents of those counties who planned to vote absentee due to coronavirus, and who were concerned about the reported delays in postal service.

You’re not improving the impression of your literacy/honesty by misrepresenting a story that you “read about.”
Lol. Not bad for someone of limited literacy, but still completely wrong.

Abbott‘s order restricted absentee ballot drop boxes to 1 location per county across the state, including multiple counties with millions of residents. That made it more difficult to vote. In particular it made it more difficult for residents of those counties who planned to vote absentee due to coronavirus, and who were concerned about the reported delays in postal service.

You’re not improving the impression of your literacy/honesty by misrepresenting a story that you “read about.”
Oh FFS. They limited drive thru voting also. That was the one I thought you were referring to because it is actually in place to assist disabled voters trying to vote in person.

I didn’t realize you were going all in on the “but I want to drop it off somewhere other than my mail box or post office” complete non issue. My bad.
The Hunter laptop is going to be a huge win for the GOP even if Biden wins...because the full emails pics will be released either officially or unofficially
1) Its reinforces most peoples' belief that the media is corrupt
2) It shows Biden's lies about Ukraine and possible coverup of his son's abuse of a family member
3) The FBI would have had this info for over a year without acting proving that they are politically motivated
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