2020 Presidential Race

Joe is closer to a high school level of English. Joe isn’t a wordsmith, but that’s never been his MO. What’s Trump’s MO? Schoolyard bully?
So you expect trump to be a wordsmith despite being just a bully. But biden gets a pass because?
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How would supply be restricted in a Biden administration? I'm not seeing any specifics and frankly, this does look like irrational fear-mongering.
I don't need to see any specifics. I base my opinion off my gut feeling and what Biden represents - a Democrat Party intent on implementing the GND, pushing the energy sector away from fossil fuels as quickly as possible and converting the transportation sector to "emission free" electric vehicles at a pace that will cause pain.

And I put "emission free" in quotes because, even with all the solar and wind that can expect to be harnessed with .gov pushing and incentivizing renewable energy as much as they can, the bulk of power generation is still going to have to rely on fossil fuels for many years to come. Thus there will be emissions, just at the power plants rather than on the highways and byways of America.
I don't need to see any specifics. I base my opinion off my gut feeling and what Biden represents - a Democrat Party intent on implementing the GND, pushing the energy sector away from fossil fuels as quickly as possible and converting the transportation sector to "emission free" electric vehicles at a pace that will cause pain.

And I put "emission free" in quotes because, even with all the solar and wind that can expect to be harnessed with .gov pushing and incentivizing renewable energy as much as they can, the bulk of power generation is still going to have to rely on fossil fuels for many years to come. Thus there will be emissions, just at the power plants rather than on the highways and byways of America.
You have fear-mongering. Nothing else.
Well, considering how much more fleecing we can expect under a Harris-Biden administration, not sure I'll have any disposable income, but I'd be willing to forego my forklift avatar for a few months.

Why not...no juice to power it.
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NY Times poll:

Are you better off now than 4 years ago?

YES: 49% (+17)
NO: 32%

NOTE: This confirms the Gallup poll (56%) & NBC/WSJ poll (50%) that showed the same thing.

That's not exactly a ringing endorsement.
Well, considering how much more fleecing we can expect under a Harris-Biden administration, not sure I'll have any disposable income, but I'd be willing to forego my forklift avatar for a few months.
I'll Avi bet. So, does gas have to get to 6 only once? Is it an average for his term? An ave price across america... or ave in Houston?

Set the parameters

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