Since you guys are so good on wanting to license things like guns, then surely you'd have no objection to licensing journalists. The license would state they are required to state the truth and nothing but the truth and that they will do their utmost verify all fact that they present or state that they witnessed all of the event they are covering. If unverifiable then they clearly state that. Further they must agree that Anonymous is not a credible source. Licensure just like any other professional who can make an impact on our lives. Journalists would be subject to malpractice and held accountable like other professionals. Before you counter, think about whether you'd prefer to uphold your doctor's right to free speech or his responsibility to determine your state of health (and mind in some cases) and report factually. Further twits, face(similies), and news reports would be accompanied by the reporters proof of licensure. Then we'd know what's opinion or fancy vs what's purported to be factual news reporting.