2020 Presidential Race

Sounds like Trump’s debate performance. What goes around comes around, you reap what you sew, etc, etc
You are ok with these girls losing their **** over stupid stuff and then sharing their total lack of control over themselves on social media? It's like watching 2 year olds vent when they don't get a donut.
See I wouldn't say anything if I didn't conduct myself the same way with my children when drama was created. I verbally slapped down my children because they are my children and needed to learn to control themselves and not let their emotions rule their lives. Their parents failed in that capacity, totally, utterly failed.
But trumps to blame.
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I was listening to Rush today and he made the comment that any conservative who is feeling doubt about the election just needs to see some footage of Trumps rallies he is doing. We are talking 3 per day and they are all packed. I think we win a landslide!! MAGA!!
You predict DJT re elected?

I will survive whoever is elected but just like last time the moment is with trump. The poles asking about likely voters are inaccurate as Trumps likely are 100 times more likely to actually go and vote.
Yes I think it’s pretty obvious that trump will be re-elected.
Fox News Polling Data
Presidential General Election

October 17 - 20

Joe Biden (D) ............ 52%
Donald Trump (R) ... 40%

Joe Biden (D) ............ 53%
Donald Trump (R) ... 43%

Joe Biden (D) ............. 45%
Donald Trump (R) .... 48%

Joe Biden (D) .............. 50%
Donald Trump (R) ..... 45%

Joe Biden (D) ............... 49%
Donald Trump (R) ...... 44%
Trump wins 3 if not 4 of those 5 states. Book it!
I will survive whoever is elected but just like last time the moment is with trump. The poles asking about likely voters are inaccurate as Trumps likely are 100 times more likely to actually go and vote.
Yes I think it’s pretty obvious that trump will be re-elected.
LOL. That is ridiculous. Just check back here on November 3rd. That is going to be a fun night.
LOL. That is ridiculous. Just check back here on November 3rd. That is going to be a fun night.
I voted for Jorgensen already so it’s no skin off my teeth. But just like last time you’ll be crying in the streets wearing your pussy hats.

Won’t bother me if I’m wrong. I’ve survived every other election. This won’t be any different.

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