2020 Presidential Race

I will survive whoever is elected but just like last time the moment is with trump. The poles asking about likely voters are inaccurate as Trumps likely are 100 times more likely to actually go and vote.
Yes I think it’s pretty obvious that trump will be re-elected.
I don't think he will. I didn't think he would last time either.
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They know that Joe has to go. He is a security risk. He may never see the Oval Office even if he wins in 2 weeks.
If something like that happened I wonder how the people that actually just voted for Biden to be president would feel knowing their party screwed them over to replace him with a candidate that dropped out before 15 others.
The polls are right on where they were in 2016. Hillary was going to win it was going to be a landslide, breaking her glass ceiling.

Hillary had small rallies while DJT was packing in thousands everytime he showed up. Then election night happened the next day the MSM was in shock how did we miss this so badly, how were the polls so wrong and here we are 4 years later and the MSM and the left are still missing it.
Either way I’ll be fine.
I structured my business to survive a Biden clusterflub economy about a year ago. If Trump wins and this economy recovery continues then it’s a bonus for me.
Smart move. I figure I'm fairly secure either way.
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I do think he will. I didn't think he would last time either.
I can’t imagine a scenario where I could think Trump will win. I was surprised it happened in 2016 and I’d be more surprised in 2020.

If Covid hadn’t come along.......maybe possibly.
The polls are right on where they were in 2016. Hillary was going to win it was going to be a landslide, breaking her glass ceiling.

Hillary had small rallies while DJT was packing in thousands everytime he showed up. Then election night happened the next day the MSM was in shock how did we miss this so badly, how were the polls so wrong and here we are 4 years later and the MSM and the left are still missing it.
Joe has doubled down on saying nothing. He won't commit to stances. I remember listening to Hillary talk several times yet actually saying nothing of substance. It's a gift.
I can’t imagine a scenario where I could think Trump would win. I was surprised it happened in 2016 and I’d be more surprised in 2020.

If Covid hadn’t come along.......maybe possibly.

I'll start by saying I have no idea. That said Covid may help since Dems bet so heavily on mail voting and scared their base off of in person voting. Might hit D turn out. Trump is polling better with Rs than in 2016, better with Hispanic and better with African American.

On the other hand, Biden is not as unlikeable as Hillary.

Toss up
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I do things dept free.
If Biden wins my house may not get built for 4 years but they will F things up so bad that a recovery for the next president will make for an easy recovery.
I'm kinda biding my time thinking real estate is going to hit a bubble. I'm ready to scoop up some bargains if it does.
It's going to be close. The average of Florida polls on 538 shows Biden with a lead of 49.1% to 45.5% (3.6%). Biden is outperforming Trump among senior citizens, but Trump is outperforming Biden among Latinos and Cuban-Americans. I could see it going either way. I lean towards Biden, just because pretty much every poll (except for Trafalgar) seems to lean towards Biden... and I do trust polls.
You vastly underestimate how much Cuban/Americans hate communism.


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