2020 Presidential Race

But you probably want to enjoy every benefit that tax funding provides. You probably love the US military but don't want the freaking pay for it since you pay as little as possible. You probably enjoy driving on the roads that were built with tax money. Or the ability to jump on a plane to go on vacation flying out of an airport that was built with tax money. Or buy the latest gadget that was shipped to you through a port that was built with tax money. Maybe some of these luxury benefits should be taken away since you want to pay as little as possible.
Everyone pays as little as possible.... if it is part of the tax code..... then is smart to use it..... I don’t mind paying taxes for things we need..... I do care a lot about how wasteful we are with our money.... if it was only used for things we needed then it wouldn’t be that big of an issue to most people.
If Trump is owned by China he is doing a lousy job being loyal to them

Probably all a hoax. Be cruel and evil to China, so when he's out of office the dems come in and give them a better trade deal than they ever had before Then they pay Trump for the favor - and he's out of office when it happens. It all makes sense now - just play the dems and they'll do the dirty work.
Probably all a hoax. Be cruel and evil to China, so when he's out of office the dems come in and give them a better trade deal than they ever had before Then they pay Trump for the favor - and he's out of office when it happens. It all makes sense now - just play the dems and they'll do the dirty work.
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I rarely use FB so I am a novice on that app.

I typed in Donald Trump and it said that page has 30 million likes.

I typed in Joe Biden and that page had 3.2 million likes.

I show 31 friends that have liked the Trump page and 1 that has liked the Biden page.
But you probably want to enjoy every benefit that tax funding provides. You probably love the US military but don't want the freaking pay for it since you pay as little as possible. You probably enjoy driving on the roads that were built with tax money. Or the ability to jump on a plane to go on vacation flying out of an airport that was built with tax money. Or buy the latest gadget that was shipped to you through a port that was built with tax money. Maybe some of these luxury benefits should be taken away since you want to pay as little as possible.
There are only two issues I care about; spending and taxes. There is a lot wrong with your post. I would like to help out.D

Every person pays as little as possible. The income tax code it written specifically for taking advantage of deductions. If you don't like the income tax code, your beef is with the lawmakers and not the taxpayers. There are many taxes unrelated to income tax that everyone pays and we all pay the same. Funding roads is an example of this type of tax. Roads are not supposed to require money from income taxes. Roads are supposed to be paid for by fuel taxes. About forty cents in TN per gallon is devoted to taxes (state and federal). I conservatively estimate my family pays about thirty dollars a week in fuel taxes...or about fifteen hundred a year. Similarly, if you purchase a ticket to fly you pay airport fees and taxes associated with the ticket. Someone could conceivably pay zero in income taxes but pay a lot in gas taxes and taxes/fees associated with air travel. Shipping ports have taxes and fees associated with trade which pay for the ports.
There are many government services which must be scaled back or eliminated. We are over 20...it may be over 26 now...trillion in debt. It isn't sustainable. Unfortunately, every time revenue is increased spending outpaces the tax revenue. So we cannot tax our way out of the obscene debt we are in.
Thank you for this opportunity to share.
There are only two issues I care about; spending and taxes. There is a lot wrong with your post. I would like to help out.D

Every person pays as little as possible. The income tax code it written specifically for taking advantage of deductions. If you don't like the income tax code, your beef is with the lawmakers and not the taxpayers. There are many taxes unrelated to income tax that everyone pays and we all pay the same. Funding roads is an example of this type of tax. Roads are not supposed to require money from income taxes. Roads are supposed to be paid for by fuel taxes. About forty cents in TN per gallon is devoted to taxes (state and federal). I conservatively estimate my family pays about thirty dollars a week in fuel taxes...or about fifteen hundred a year. Similarly, if you purchase a ticket to fly you pay airport fees and taxes associated with the ticket. Someone could conceivably pay zero in income taxes but pay a lot in gas taxes and taxes/fees associated with air travel. Shipping ports have taxes and fees associated with trade which pay for the ports.
There are many government services which must be scaled back or eliminated. We are over 20...it may be over 26 now...trillion in debt. It isn't sustainable. Unfortunately, every time revenue is increased spending outpaces the tax revenue. So we cannot tax our way out of the obscene debt we are in.
Thank you for this opportunity to share.


Should the US undertake military or sanctions-type retaliation against Russia for their repeated interference in US elections?

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