2020 Presidential Race

So honest no flaming or trolling question here...I didnt care for Clinton or Obama but it never affected my emotional state...I love UT football but have never experienced anything like TDS or what I've seen in the FF recently...is this a new societal reaction or a generational one? I can't imagine getting that angry or upset over the occupant of the WH or the fact that we can't get it together on the gridiron. Reason for this post is after I corrected a few about that silly Rudy Borat misinformation I got called so many names its ridiculous
How would supply be restricted in a Biden administration? I'm not seeing any specifics and frankly, this does look like irrational fear-mongering.

Not sure about RavinDave, but I have no fracking idea about the supply side. On the demand side there might be less driving ... fewer jobs will do that. Probably have to hire Joe and the slut to figure out what the policies will be - a little too late to figure you got the wrong guy then.
you go first - what is the current interference and what is your recommended retaliation? Then do China and Iran

Russia is by far the worst offender and it is a serious attack by them. Embassy closures plus heavy financial sanctions, particularly aimed at Putin, to start.
I've heard over 42,000,000 people have already voted in this 2020 Presidential Election.

Gonna be epic watching Democrats running out into the streets & on their knees wailing & crying those big crocodile liberal tears up w/their fist of fury towards the blue sky in total disbelief again that their Democratic idiot leaders put another weak life-long swampy lying criminal loser up for the job only to lose the big brass ring again.
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I've heard over 42,000,000 people have already voted in this 2020 Presidential Election.

Gonna be epic watching Democrats running out into the streets & on their knees wailing & crying those big crocodile liberal tears up w/their fist of fury towards the blue sky in total disbelief that their Democratic idiot leaders has put another weak life-long swampy lying criminal loser up for the job only to lose the big brass ring again.

Or......Biden wins...............either way.......... get ready for the epic sh** show of monumental proportions........

If I have to guess, I think Trump is winning. Either way, the American citizen loses because government will be just as ineffective and pathetic in just being able to do it's job and intended function... instead of being a play ground filled with children bickering and playing games and solving nothing....let alone running and operating........

Our local and state governments need to start leading the way, and D.C. needs to get out of the way.
Trump loves it so much he pays $750 in income tax.
1. Imagine thinking income tax is the only thing that matters. Payroll, property, corporate, etc. Do exist.

2. Imagine getting mad at someone for following the tax plan approved by Obama admin and congress. Both of which, he wasn't a part of.

3. I'm sure with the stupid, nonsensical stance you have on this... You also foolishly request no deductions when you file. Gotta be consistent with your principles. You either have it or you don't. I'd wager that you don't and you file for every deduction you can.
So honest no flaming or trolling question here...I didnt care for Clinton or Obama but it never affected my emotional state...I love UT football but have never experienced anything like TDS or what I've seen in the FF recently...is this a new societal reaction or a generational one? I can't imagine getting that angry or upset over the occupant of the WH or the fact that we can't get it together on the gridiron. Reason for this post is after I corrected a few about that silly Rudy Borat misinformation I got called so many names its ridiculous

People with TDS have underlying severe mental health issues. Trump reminds them of some childhood trauma where they were bullied or teased, had a azzwhooping, daddy and/or mommy didn’t love them, so on and so forth.
At this point if Kamala thought Joe had a weak heart, she'd probably be working on his pleasure.
She’d probably jump at a chance to be his food taster.

If they were dining together and Joe starts choking on his food, she’d forget how to administer the Heimlich maneuver.

If they were walking in the desert and Joe’s dying of thirst, no golden shower to give life-saving hydration.

Joe, watch your back.
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