2020 Presidential Race

I think he has been great in some areas but has some really big failures as well
His ego hurts him.. think its from years of being in charge and not having to compromise...I'm voting for him and honestly the thing I like most about him is that he will criticize the members of his own party. Might be a chance for an independent POTUS 2nd term. I don't see a path for him to win though
Who cares what he was blamed for? Should that affect the choices being made if they're correct? I've also given Trump credit for what was actually done

Yes the virus is on China but they did not create our response. That's on us
I do because the dolts in Congress use every bit they can do fk over the opposite party, people be damned.
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If Trump was for lockdown, I would agree with you. He wasn't. The economy isn't on Trump. It's on China and the overreaction by states.
Yet you said it was done by fed recommendations.
Govt shut down businesses with recommendations for states.
Would better recommendations not have led to better outcomes?
His ego hurts him.. think its from years of being in charge and not having to compromise...I'm voting for him and honestly the thing I like most about him is that he will criticize the members of his own party. Might be a chance for an independent POTUS 2nd term. I don't see a path for him to win though
I’m voting for him bc I feel he is head and shoulders above Biden as far as being better for myself and America in general.... There are several things about him I wish I could change though.
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And it will get better under Biden? He is gonna take money out of the economy by raising taxes.. implementing more programs and promising to pay for student debt...its like throwing money into the fireplace
I cant say what Biden will do, but I can tell you what Trump will continue to do (and it ain't good so far).
Maybe that's because the people cheer it on. Most love the party politics and gotchas. Just look at the ridiculous tribalism in this forum
I agree 100% and why I am an independent.... Everyone is so hypocritical cheering on their candidate like it’s a sports team or something.
Yet you said it was done by fed recommendations.

Would better recommendations not have led to better outcomes?
Fauci and CDC recommendations that have also been all over the place and have taken every stance they could take. Trumps rips them for that and gets the "we can't work with a president that is against science" treatment.

Better recommendations? Like what? Lockdown don't work. Living a normal life? Idk Sweden is trending up now aren't they? Deaths are down, which is good. But what recommendations would have changed the outcome to better the economy and fatalities. Please tell
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They did create our response. We had to be reactionary scientifically because of them. They gave inaccurate information and still do.

EU is still struggling with it. We aren't alone.
If we're struggling it's because of a lack of leadership and terrible information. We're 8mos in and have a really good idea what's going on
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I cant say what Biden will do, but I can tell you what Trump will continue to do.
In a way...I wouldn't mind seeing him win and a battle between what's left of the mods and progressives...I still have hope one day for a 4-5 party parliamentary system
You are correct.... look at how well those democrat ran cities are being done
Cities and population centers inherently have problems regardless who runs them. That has been a fact throughout all of history. Small towns throughout rural Tennessee and the country have their poorer and drug ridden sections as well. They just don't gain as much attention. Besides cities are also part of the country.
Which means little when destroying the economy. Trump is really a one truck pony and when forced to lead on something else he failed miserably
It means a little when you just spent years playing defense against getting regulated out of business and would rather not go back to that. I don't even want to vote for the guy, but he's the only candidate that makes any sense for me to vote for.
Fauci and CDC recommendations that have also been all over the place and have taken every stance they could take. Trumps rips them for that and gets the "we can't work with a president that is against science" treatment.

Better recommendations? Like what? Lockdown don't work. Living a normal life? Idk Sweden is trending up now aren't they? Deaths are down, which is good. But what recommendations would have changed the outcome to better the economy and fatalities. Please tell
Protect the vulnerable pop and the rest of society can open. Yes, Sweden is all acceptable model for a virus that isn't going anywhere

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