2020 Presidential Race

That says nothing. Can you link an actual dollar figure over $6T?
The whole reason there isn't a deal now is because Nancy was wanting a bigger dollar amount than Manchin would agree too...the GOP congress didnt want to go over 1 trillion...are you saying Dems want to spend less than Trump?

He isn't wrong in this part.

“America was an idea, an idea,” the Democratic presidential nominee said. “‘We hold these truths to be self evident.’ We’ve never lived up to it

We haven't lived up to the ideals of our founding fathers and what they stood for.

Completely wrong in this statement.

but we’ve never walked away from it before

We turned our back with Lincoln, kicked dirt on it with FDR and walked away from it with Obama.
Link? Trump had signed $4T and advocated for more than $2T for another.

Have done vs might do
The national debt and the stimulus plans are definite reasons for me to vote against trump.... The problem is that it is reasonable from the democrats words/actions that it would be as bad or worse....Do you feel like they wouldn’t do a stimulus plan as bad or worse than what trump did?
I'm good with paying more for a healthier, cleaner and more educated country.
Trickle down government money is worse than trickle down economics...the money never makes it to the classroom...we spend more than almost anybody like 13k per student and yet we had to donate supplies and still pay fees for public school...homeschooling was best decision ever
Yes that's what I'm saying. Trump said he was going to give a bigger one than the dems

Trump says he wants a bigger coronavirus relief package than Pelosi's $2.2T proposal
I'm not a fan of any government program or bill that hands out money but he(Trump) at least wants it to go directly to the people or that is what he's been saying at least. I really wish they would pass a balanced budget amendment at the least. We should never spend more than we take in IMO but that's the crazy libertarian streak in me. 😊
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The national debt and the stimulus plans are definite reasons for me to vote against trump.... The problem is that it is reasonable from the democrats words/actions that it would be as bad or worse....Do you feel like they wouldn’t do a stimulus plan as bad or worse than what trump did?
The first bill was horrible. Trump wants the next to be bigger than the Dem proposed. So yes, it's a very real possibility Trump's would be worse
The feds shut down businesses?

Sell it all you want but the stimulus passed was flat out theft, vote buying and donor payoffs.
There are parts of the stimulus that I disagree with. Govt shut down businesses with recommendations for states. The States determined the harshness. Would I prefer Michigan, California, NY, NJ, etc to have to pass their own stimulus for their reactions, of course.
The first bill was horrible. Trump wants the next to be bigger than the Dem proposed. So yes, it's a very real possibility Trump's would be worse
And the other party wanted it 3 times higher and called for a national lockdown. So... I voted Trump.
There are parts of the stimulus that I disagree with. Govt shut down businesses with recommendations for states. The States determined the harshness. Would I prefer Michigan, California, NY, NJ, etc to have to pass their own stimulus for their reactions, of course.
A real leader would have recommended different. However the feds could not shut it down

And the other party wanted it 3 times higher and called for a national lockdown. So... I voted Trump.
they wanted $12T? And a $1.5T untraceable slush fund for Mnuchin?
I'm not a fan of any government program or bill that hands out money but he at least Trump wants it to go directly to the people or that is what he's been saying at least. I really wish they would pass a balanced budget amendment at the least. We should never spend more than we take in IMO but that's the crazy libertarian streak in me. 😊
Unfortunately I don't think that will happen in our lifetime.
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A real leader would have recommended different. However the feds could not shut it down

they wanted $12T?
CDC and Fauci had those recommendations. If Trump moved in on that then he's "ignoring the experts". He put it to the states. The states took away people's property/income with lockdowns and now they must compensate. The passed stimulus and the proposed ones have too much fluff and its a reason I want term limits and the end of benefits. Removes pet projects.
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You ignore the article where Trump literally says he will spend more
They have literally been negotiating for months and from the beginning Dems have asked for more than Munchin Trump would agree too...she came in at 3 million finally lowered it....if you think Biden will spend less than Trump..then sorry you have other issues
They have literally been negotiating for months and from the beginning Dems have asked for more than Munchin Trump would agree too...she came in at 3 million finally lowered it....if you think Biden will spend less than Trump..then sorry you have other issues
Trump's real words are there to read

Trump has absolutely spend insane amounts of money as potus. Biden has spent zero so keep believing "might do" is more important than "has done"
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The first bill was horrible. Trump wants the next to be bigger than the Dem proposed. So yes, it's a very real possibility Trump's would be worse
Maybe I worded that incorrectly..... yes I agree the first one was horrible and a reason to not vote for trump....do you feel that reason to change a vote when the other option will probably be 1-2 trillion dollar difference on either side bc I am positive that both sides are going to go forward with this idiotic stimulus plan?

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