2020 Presidential Race

Why in the world would Iran want to go back to an Obama/Harris/Biden administration??

Mo free money delivered in the middle of the night. Iran hates us, but loves our dollars. Before even one of you worthless libs starts on "it was their money", that money should have simply been seized as partial payment for what Iran has done to the US since their revolution. Being kind to an enemy is stupid policy.
"This is 60Minutes and we can't put on things we can't verify.” lol like the Killian documents? That took internet sleuths about five minutes to debunk those as fraudulent.
Lol Stahl is trash

My god her response was he didn't go into hiding he is "preparing for the debate". So not only are they covering for him they are also providing him the alibi for why he hasn't addressed the laptop. I mean in what world should a journalist speculate why someone has avoided the media?
Trickle down government money is worse than trickle down economics...the money never makes it to the classroom...we spend more than almost anybody like 13k per student and yet we had to donate supplies and still pay fees for public school...homeschooling was best decision ever

Exactly. The higher the government level in control of a program the more bureaucracies there are to pay off. Education is a real example - federal and state Departments of Education and then local school boards and administrative offices. You have to pay off ever one of them; whereas if schools were local issues, you could cut two big spending losers overnight. Not everything requires federal control, and that isn't how the country was founded.
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My god her response was he didn't go into hiding he is "preparing for the debate". So not only are they covering for him they are also providing him the alibi for why he hasn't addressed the laptop. I mean in what world should a journalists speculate why someone has avoided the media?

Why would someone with 47yrs of experience and a moderator that is a HUGE Dem need to prepare?
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Exactly. The higher the government level in control of a program the more bureaucracies there are to pay off. Education is a real example - federal and state Departments of Education and then local school boards and administrative offices. You have to pay off ever one of them; whereas if schools were local issues, you could cut two big spending losers overnight. Not everything requires federal control, and that isn't how the country was founded.
Department of Education should be abolished
Yeah it is laughable to suggest he needs 5 days to prepare for a debate. If it takes a candidate that long to prepare for something like that they probably shouldn't be president.
I'm pretty sure that it takes that long for the gene therapy and drugs to take effect on his alzheimer's so he can function for 90 minutes during the debate.
My god her response was he didn't go into hiding he is "preparing for the debate". So not only are they covering for him they are also providing him the alibi for why he hasn't addressed the laptop. I mean in what world should a journalist speculate why someone has avoided the media?
It can't get any more clear that the MS Pravda Media is carrying water for a candidate.

Russia supposedly spends a few thousand bucks on FB pages, and they are interfering with an election. The MSM slants to the point of propaganda...

He needed to be a leader not someone scared of ignoring the experts. He chose to allow them to set the narrative and take a backseat. That is on him

If you were leading at a time of crisis and had agencies like the CDC, FEMA, etc reporting to you - agencies whose sole function was to deal with disease control and emergency measures - agencies who have been charged with developing contingency plans - agencies who have been charged with detecting, understanding, and managing infectious spread, would you choose to manage on your own or would you listen to the experts? Now suppose you figured out the agencies of experts were bureaucratic hollow shells with limited expertise, limited scientific knowledge, and limited contingency plans presented to you by over the bureaucrats, what would you do? Suppose that the country of origin is less than forthcoming about the pandemic and the world health monitoring people are worse than worthless - they are in bed with the fools that set the chain off, and you have no real good measure of the severity, how it's even transmitted, or how severe the effects including death rate, then what do you do?

Sorry, I know you dislike Trump, but he inherited a system (particularly a health crisis management system) rotten to the core - incompetent and unprepared. He ran on a platform of draining the swamp - hopefully that meant doing something about worthless and bloated federal bureaucracies, but what do you do when you've been hamstrung by the other side for three years and couldn't do something about the mess. Remember the adage about changing horses midstream ... well, it's a raging torrent and the stream is actually a river. It's really easy to play Monday morning QB and pretend that this is nothing when the accounts coming in about fatalities in other countries said differently. Trump's big failing was his pathetic methods of communication and ability to look the part of a leader in control; otherwise he probably bungled through as well as anybody else might have done in the situation. Had the dems been in control the "stimulus" would have had a lot more hidden components and student loans would have been erased all over the land.
If you were leading at a time of crisis and had agencies like the CDC, FEMA, etc reporting to you - agencies whose sole function was to deal with disease control and emergency measures - agencies who have been charged with developing contingency plans - agencies who have been charged with detecting, understanding, and managing infectious spread, would you choose to manage on your own or would you listen to the experts? Now suppose you figured out the agencies of experts were bureaucratic hollow shells with limited expertise, limited scientific knowledge, and limited contingency plans presented to you by over the bureaucrats, what would you do? Suppose that the country of origin is less than forthcoming about the pandemic and the world health monitoring people are worse than worthless - they are in bed with the fools that set the chain off, and you have no real good measure of the severity, how it's even transmitted, or how severe the effects including death rate, then what do you do?

Sorry, I know you dislike Trump, but he inherited a system (particularly a health crisis management system) rotten to the core - incompetent and unprepared. He ran on a platform of draining the swamp - hopefully that meant doing something about worthless and bloated federal bureaucracies, but what do you do when you've been hamstrung by the other side for three years and couldn't do something about the mess. Remember the adage about changing horses midstream ... well, it's a raging torrent and the stream is actually a river. It's really easy to play Monday morning QB and pretend that this is nothing when the accounts coming in about fatalities in other countries said differently. Trump's big failing was his pathetic methods of communication and ability to look the part of a leader in control; otherwise he probably bungled through as well as anybody else might have done in the situation. Had the dems been in control the "stimulus" would have had a lot more hidden components and student loans would have been erased all over the land.
I guess PJ thinks that Jill Stein, or whoever he supported, would have kept us death free.

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