2020 Presidential Race

It is worrisome for trump, but I would bet democrats are more likely to early vote. I went back to see if that same website completed the same report for 2016, but couldn’t find anything for comparison.
Yea I tried to find my link from earlier but it’s all buried by current news about turnouts.
They lied with the Gulf of Tonkin and sent you to war as a result...Pretty criminal if u ask me. These Dem leaders today were/are by-product of the progressive anti establishment movement back then, yet support ever increasing powers to DC. that they once hated. I just don't understand.
Yes Gulf of Tonkin was a pack of lies to help sell the war ( we have since seen that type of thing repeated). Vietnam is so much more complicated than one incident though. I don't care to elaborate. It's 50 years out for me and I've put it behind me.
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Yes Gulf of Tonkin was a pack of lies to help sell the war ( we have since seen that type of thing repeated). Vietnam is so much more complicated than one incident though. I don't care to elaborate. It's 50 years out and I've put it behind me.

Well obviously put it behind you so far that you now support the Dem party that did it to you. That is some Kool Aid.
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Well obviously put it behind you so far that you now support the Dem party that did it to you. That is some Kool Aid.

And there it is. You know short stroke, I didn't answer you the first time you asked me if I served in in Vietnam. Too many times over the years I've found that some people have odd motivations for asking. They come back with any thing from thank you, God bless you, how many people did you murder, did you kill anyone, that must have been hell, you were a fool, you're lying and many other nice and often stupid replies. But you are the biggest POS so far. No one has ever made a more foolish remark to me. Congrats peckerhead.
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I actually like the different seasons, but I get fed up with them before they end, except for Spring and Fall. The Winter and Summer seasons are when I like to take a break from sh!tty weather. I'm fine from 40 to 85 degrees. I despise rainy, cold, dreary days, and 90+ degree, high humidity days too..

We were there (mostly Moorea and Bora Bora) in winter (late July) and the temp varied from just over 80 in the day to just over 70 at night; supposedly in Jan and Feb it's like 86-88 and 75 at night - always a nice breeze. Definitely not much change in temps during the entire year. Much more pleasant than the Caribbean.

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Did anyone actually read the WSJ article?

Text messages and emails related to the venture that were provided to the Journal by Mr. Bobulinski, mainly from the spring and summer of 2017, don’t show either Hunter Biden or James Biden discussing a role for Joe Biden in the venture.
Mr. Gilliar told the Journal: “I would like to clear up any speculation that former Vice President Biden was involved with the 2017 discussions about our potential business structure. I am unaware of any involvement at anytime of the former Vice President. The activity in question never delivered any project revenue.”
We were there (mostly Moorea and Bora Bora) in winter (late July) and the temp varied from just over 80 in the day to just over 70 at night; supposedly in Jan and Feb it's like 86-88 and 75 at night - always a nice breeze. Definitely not much change in temps during the entire year. Much more pleasant than the Caribbean.

View attachment 316951
About like Hawaii temps if you are on the West coasts of the islands. Beautiful picture.
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He needed to be a leader not someone scared of ignoring the experts. He chose to allow them to set the narrative and take a backseat. That is on him
You saw what happened with hcq because trump suggested it. The radical opposition poured out. He backed the state's requests for ventilators and ppe. Sent supplies, guardsmen, floating hospitals at the state's request. Ny chose to do stupid things.
They didn't use the resources given to them.
I recall him speaking quite fervently about states not doing what was right. Each state Gov has the responsibility to either listen to the CDC or not. The responsibility lies with the governor, mayors and city councils. Some have chosen to ignore the CDC directives and for good reason. You really want federal overreach in such things?. I'm not for putting bulls in a China shop. Some states responses have been horrible and detrimental to their people, federal response when would have been even worse.
He showed restraint against federal overreach in states decisions. JMO
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Joe Biden: I Think I’m ‘Most Qualified’ to Be President

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Joe Biden: I Think I'm 'Most Qualified' to Be President

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Elizabeth Warren, Eyeing 2020, Decries Military Overreach

WASHINGTON — Senator Elizabeth Warren inched closer to a likely presidential run Thursday, making a major foreign policy speech that cited the need to rein in “unsustainable and ill-advised military commitments” across the world.

The speech had several policy proposals that are sure to reverberate among other 2020 presidential hopefuls. Ms. Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat, called for an end to the war in Afghanistan, a rethinking of American troop deployment abroad, a commitment to a new nuclear posture including increased arms control and a no-first-use policy.

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Wary of repeating 2016 mistakes, Democrats prepare to shake up 2020 presidential debate plan

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Are you a democrat? Seems so with your write up
Wah. Wah. Democrats don’t get their way. So they Name call, Dox, etc. bunch of whiney ass bitches. Glad I was raised right, and don’t hate others because the paid media says I should. Lots of lack of intelligence in this thread. Glad I just found it.

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