2020 Presidential Race

Did anyone actually read the WSJ article?

Text messages and emails related to the venture that were provided to the Journal by Mr. Bobulinski, mainly from the spring and summer of 2017, don’t show either Hunter Biden or James Biden discussing a role for Joe Biden in the venture.
Mr. Gilliar told the Journal: “I would like to clear up any speculation that former Vice President Biden was involved with the 2017 discussions about our potential business structure. I am unaware of any involvement at anytime of the former Vice President. The activity in question never delivered any project revenue.”
Well that isn't as good as Jack's Tweets, so fake news!!!!!!!
And there it is. You know short stroke. I didn't answer you the first time you asked me if I served in in Vietnam. Too many times over the years I've found that some people have odd motivations for asking. They come back with any thing from thank you, God bless you, how many people did you murder, did you kill anyone, that must have been hell, you were a fool, you're lying and many other nice and often stupid replies. But you are the biggest POS so far. No one has ever made a more foolish remark to me. Congrats peckerhead.

I thank you for your service and wouldn't in a million years want to go through what you did in Nam. My utmost respect to you for that.

I am not trying to be a jerk here....seriously just curious.....but why would you honestly be a Democrat when it was the Democrats who called you guys baby killers and sent you there first and still love war?

The Democrats are the party of Jane Fonda.

Why vote Democrat then?

I am honestly trying to understand here not trying to be a jerk.
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Huh? What? Bush 5.9 trillion Vs Obama 8.9 trillion?

Bush was bad, but Obama out spent him significantly. If Trump is re-elected he will finish just under Obama.
Bush doubled the deficit. Obama's higher dollar figure is proportionally smaller to the deficit and was spent as stimulus to get out of a recession. Bush spent without a valid purpose and left nothing to show for it. Further, he mired us in two wars that Obama could not stop on a dime without catastrophic consequences, further obligating Obama to continue debt that never needed to be spent in the first place.

Debt is not simple arithmetic.. $70k on credit cards is far worse than $100k on student loans.
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I thank you for your service and wouldn't in a million years want to go through what you did in Nam. My utmost respect to you for that.

I am not trying to be a jerk here....seriously just curious.....but why would you honestly be a Democrat when it was the Democrats who called you guys baby killers and sent you there first and still love war?

The Democrats are the party of Jane Fonda.

Why vote Democrat then?

I am honestly trying to understand here not trying to be a jerk.

The simple answer is like I said earlier, the politics winds of the 1960s have little bearing on the politics of today. I am not angry at today's Democrats for what happened with Vietnam, besides nearly every one of them from that era are dead.
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I've never understood the obsession the right has with Trump's kids. They are even more unqualified than he is, if that is possible. Unless we are going the God Emperor Trump tactic of so-called conservatives supporting a political dynasty to enact their statist view on the rest of us.
I've never understood the obsession the right has with Trump's kids. They are even more unqualified than he is, if that is possible. Unless we are going the God Emperor Trump tactic of so-called conservatives supporting a political dynasty to enact their statist view on the rest of us.
The cult wants what it wants. If the supreme leader decides his son should succeed him, that will be the view of a significant number of Trump supporters.
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And there it is. You know short stroke, I didn't answer you the first time you asked me if I served in in Vietnam. Too many times over the years I've found that some people have odd motivations for asking. They come back with any thing from thank you, God bless you, how many people did you murder, did you kill anyone, that must have been hell, you were a fool, you're lying and many other nice and often stupid replies. But you are the biggest POS so far. No one has ever made a more foolish remark to me. Congrats peckerhead.
Not sure why u consider my motivations as such. Just pointing out your astounding hypocritical support for the Dem party. Sorry to hurt you feelz.
I love the smell of MAGA in the morning! The Dems are trying to take God out of our country. Good thing we got a good Christian man like DJT in office doing the Lord's work.
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