2020 Presidential Race

Just noticed on the breakdown by voter registration, larger republican states are not listed.

Based on politicos final tally for Hildog and DJ in 2016, I have the vote count based on the 22,766,685 and the percentage vote Hildog and DJ received At
Biden vs DJ.
11,636,226 vs 10,061972
Wow! This must be the 50 Cent bump...African Americans seeing how celebs treated him after he said he was voting Trump...I can't even post it here.

so you saying black people are upset because other black people talked about 50 because he said he didin't want to pay higher taxes? Who puts much stock in what 50 says?
And our local VN race baiter.

Looks like it's not about increasing respect for blacks, but is instead about keeping people in step to the party line.
Exactly what it is.. no independent thoughts or personal choice allowed. ...and they call Trump supporters cultists? Most of his voters here have criticized him...I personally think he's a narcissist and talks before he thinks many times...I also think of the choices he is the best to lead the country
That is some fairytale thinking right there. Money designated for such would be sent overseas and laundered back into pockets, not the average Joe's pocket either.

Fairy tale thinking is that Donnie is going to deliver affordable healthcare, lower drug prices and preexisting protections. He's hardly mentioned healthcare in four years except to try to scrap what 22M people depend on. Of course he talked big in the '16 campaign and last night. In '16 I believe he claimed we were going to have the biggest and most beautiful healthcare plan. Donnie always promises rosy pictures but then never buys the canvas.
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