2020 Presidential Race

So let me get this straight......people are still holding out hope this Hunter Biden laptop thing will amount to something. This is the same fervor that surrounded Hillary, Comey, Page, Strzok, President Obama and others. I mean that would explain why you all are so angry because you pin your hopes on conspiracy theories, and then when they don't come to fruition, you end up hating everyone.

I don't have any hope about it. I simply recognize that Joe was FOS when he claimed 1) he never discussed Hunter's business dealings with him and 2) that none of Hunter's business dealings were advantaged by the Biden name.

I also recognize that some Biden devotees will deny the above and others will at least admit it and say it's not enough reason to not vote for him.
You are right. He has promised healthcare plan and not delivered. I agree his feet need to be held to the fire on that. That doesn't negate what has been going on in the background.
I don't know what's been going on in the background. Except that he gets meds that only he and pals get (Christie)
If he survives til Nov 3rd and is elected this way disappear. Amongst other things.

Then the good $ will start rolling in.
That will in large part depend on what happens with the congressional seats. I couldn't see a Republican majority watching this die quietly.

Of course, if the DoJ and MSM were on leashes, I'm not sure Congress could do much.
All I would say is see how they are currently treating police officers in blue states and ask yourself if the party has changed at all?

I respect your viewpoint but just dont understand.
I don't see them being treated badly. Maybe too much badmouthing by citizens groups but very few leaders. I do believe we need national leadership on police reform. Not interference but training guidelines and uniformity. Professionalism in PDs is at a low IMO. Not across the board but in too many places. I'm an old white guy and I don't feel comfortable dealing with them about anything like I did when I was a teen and young man.

Edit for example: About three years I had a raccoon in the yard staggering and acting weird. I called animal control. A policeman showed up. I was standing in my driveway with a .45 in my hand just incase I needed it. The disheveled looking cop acted upset and took it away from me until animal control and he left.
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Serious question for the Libs on this board. Who will you choose for the Straw Man to blame for your failures if the Dems win POTUS and take the Senate? Where will CNN and MSNBC go to create 24/7 non Orange Man content?
I don't see them being treated badly. Maybe too much badmouthing by citizens groups but very few leaders. I do believe we need national leadership on police reform. Not interference but training guidelines and uniformity. Professionalism in PDs is at a low IMO. Not across the board but in too many places. I'm an old white guy and I don't feel comfortable dealing with them about anything like I did when I was a teen and young man.

Police is a local state issue that the feds need to STFO of.

I don't understand why anyone would want federal leadership on internal state and local issues?
Police is a local state issue that the feds need to STFO of.

I don't understand why anyone would want federal leadership on internal state and local issues?
Not leadership but guidelines on training. BTW go back to my post and look at my edit. He was unprofessional and a member of a fairly large PD.
Not leadership but guidelines on training. BTW go back to my post and look at my edit. He was unprofessional and a member of a fairly large PD.

unprofessional because he didn't want you holding a piece while animal control did it's job? How do you know that isn't what his training is? He doesn't know you and if you'll freak out and start blasting?
Not leadership but guidelines on training. BTW go back to my post and look at my edit. He was unprofessional and a member of a fairly large PD.

No! The feds need to stay in their lane and GTFO of local/state issues.

If people in town A are unhappy with their police force, elect local leaders that will fix it. The only time the fed should be involved is when someones civil rights are violated and then only to punish the violator. I don't want anymore national standards, what works in NYC doesn't mean it will work in Nashville and visaversa.
No! The feds need to stay in their lane and GTFO of local/state issues.

If people in town A are unhappy with their police force, elect local leaders that will fix it. The only time the fed should be involved is when someones civil rights are violated and then only to punish the violator. I don't want anymore national standards, what works in NYC doesn't mean it will work in Nashville and visaversa.
I guess we disagree. The Feds have a role to play in any orginaizition that is authorized to use lethal force against US citizens IMO .
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unprofessional because he didn't want you holding a piece while animal control did it's job? How do you know that isn't what his training is? He doesn't know you and if you'll freak out and start blasting?
Then his training sucked. No right to disarm a peaceful man on his own property. If he was nervous, he could have asked the homeowner to put it away. Beyond that, with no domestic disturbance, he can kick rocks if seeing a pistol is too much for him.
President Trump currently having successful call with Prime Minister Netanyahu.

Netanyahu "History records who did what".
unprofessional because he didn't want you holding a piece while animal control did it's job? How do you know that isn't what his training is? He doesn't know you and if you'll freak out and start blasting?
He had no reason to presume I was a threat to him. Is that how 2A supporters like yourself want police to act? Take away everyone's gun when he sees them carrying. I have a license I was on my own property and I could be facing personal harm from a rabid animal. Sorry bham you're just wrong about this.
He had no reason to presume I was a threat to him. Is that how 2A supporters like yourself want police to act? Take away everyone's gun when he sees carrying. I have a license I was on my own property and I could be facing personal harm from a rabid animal. Sorry bham you're just wrong about this.

I didn't say you were a threat to him. I suggested he may have thought you were a threat to accidentally shoot the animal control person or lob one towards the neighbors house.

Until you know what he's instructed to do in those situations then it's hard to conclude it was unprofessional behavior. Maybe the training is wrong?
He had no reason to presume I was a threat to him. Is that how 2A supporters like yourself want police to act? Take away everyone's gun when he sees them carrying. I have a license I was on my own property and I could be facing personal harm from a rabid animal. Sorry bham you're just wrong about this.

Why didn't you refuse?

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