Typical Trump disinformation.
Work with me here for a tic: Say you're living in a sh*thole country in Central America, got no job and no prospects. You set out for the US with your wife and kids, and upon reaching the border apply for asylum. But, with the new Trump reductions in allowable immigrants from your country, you're application is denied. So, what do you do now? Try to sneak across the border. And you fail... ICE picks you, your wife and your kids up. Throws all of you in a cell in Texas. Then you get your day in court, and the judge orders you deported.
The US should never let in unvetted criminals, period. Go try to sneak your family illegally across the border of ANY country and see what happens.
Question: If at this point, you had the option to give your children a better life - an opportunity to live in the US - would you make the ultimate sacrifice, and leave them behind?
Or just do the right thing and follow the process, or move to ANOTHER country (there are over 270 of them)
It's a horrible, terrible option to consider, but it's a stark reality for many immigrants.
After all, if your premise that the "parents don't want them back" were true, why would the parents bring their kids all the way up from that sh*thole Central American country with them in the first place?
To either abandon them off and hope they get in, or more likely these 500+ were not actual family members but kidnapped and used kids for coyotes and other criminals to get in
Ah... I see the wheels turning in your head.
Trump's iron fist policies are absurd and unnecessary. As far as I'm concerned, as long as these people live by our laws and pay taxes (via withholdings from their employers) here in the US, I'm good with them being here. They're hardworking folks, desperate, and will do all the totally sh*t jobs that you and I would never dream of doing (up for picking beans for 12 hours/day?).
They don't pay federal taxes, and they use Social Security fraud to get work, so no more felons please
We can do better.