2020 Presidential Race

So you think Pelosi and Shumer are good leaders? Sorry but they are dictators of the worst kind. At least some of the republicans have a moral compass to vote for what they believe in and not just blindly follow the hoard.

Aww, now you know me better than that ... that's why I pointed out the dems lean totalitarian. Compared to dems, republicans are like herding cats.
Heh. I understand it clearly, and so do the pro bono attorneys that often are available to help these folks.

They would request asylum based on the very bulletized items I listed.

The. End.

"I can't get a job and I have no hope."

That's the "reason" you gave and it's not listed on your bullet points.

Sorry, biscuit. Try again.
Wow! Biden seems so angry. He is being covered by Fox right now while speaking in Cleveland.
He always looks pissed. He has nothing positive or good to say about anything, he just harps on how bad Trump is and how covid would be gone just like it is in europe if Biden were in charge and following the "science"
At the very least Google needs to be broken up like Standard Oil or Ma Bell.

And Apple.

As a libertarian, I can't support breaking up any monopolistic aspect of their business that doesn't directly involve government advantages. However, I do agree that anti-trust is a far more favorable approach than regulation.
Wow! Biden seems so angry. He is being covered by Fox right now while speaking in Cleveland.
Why must he be such an angry old man?
The future looks quite bright to me.
How can there be such a sinister plan
to put Joe and the Ho in control?
You're fooling yourself if you don't believe it.
You're killing yourself if you don't believe it.
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It is an algorithm-driven search engine, not a utility. How would that even work?

It wouldn't "work"

Remember how stupid everyone thought the fairness doctrine was on the radio waves? A fairness doctrine makes sense in cyberspace, though!
At the very least Google needs to be broken up like Standard Oil or Ma Bell.

And Apple.
Why do you think Apple needs to be broken up? As far as I can tell they have plenty of competition for phones, tablets and pc's. I happen to like their phones and laptops and won't own anything but them.
I mentioned to Luther a few days ago, that all ballots don't require counting. If outstanding ballots would not effect the outcome (even if 100% for a single candidate) there is no reason to count them. Of course, this would need to hold true for the senate and rep candidates, too.

You are assuming two things

1 - That the total votes cast in a precinct don't exceed the number of registered voters
2 - That the election commission actually knows how many ballots were mailed out, so they can estimate the point at which the uncounted mail in ballots would no longer tip the scales

Neither is generally certain in dem precincts
So Jr tweets something he heard and quotes it on twitter and he’s an illiterate “idiots”.

Lol, ok then.

Lmao don't try to make and excuse for his illiteracy. He didn't retweet what the guy wrote. He is the dummy that thinks radical is spelled radicle. And get rig?

too much of the booger sugar for him like usual
The red hat brigade is no different than the Taliban, Al-Qaeda, or any other terrorist organization. They hate what America actually stands for and will stop at nothing to destroy it.
And who exactly is in this brigade? I’m curious just how loose you are with the word terrorist. Social media has absolutely killed the weight and meaning of words.
And who exactly is in this brigade? I’m curious just how loose you are with the word terrorist. Social media has absolutely killed the weight and meaning of words.
I would include anyone open-carrying for the sake of perception rather than protection... so most people that open carry, no matter of political affiliation (though we all know the crowd this tends to be).
When you add up the electoral college votes from states in which Joe Biden is currently leading, outside the margin of error in just these 13 polls, that leaves Biden with 272.

In the words of Doyle Hargraves: "Just leaving you with that little bit of happiness."
Enjoy your last precious little time of posting polls.

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