1) Eliminate 2 party system expand to 4 or 51- register to vote
2- request a ballot
3- if you request a ballot your name is marked and you cannot vote Election Day.
4- if someone requested a ballot in your name and you show up on Election Day to vote. Dispute the mail in ballot and vote in person
5- all ballots counted on Election Day.
6- reps form all parties present at the count.
problem solved
Lol you wouldn't have this take if the results were reversed.Election Day is the postmark deadline, which is how I understand most states handle absentee ballots and the method that makes by far the most sense to me. Setting an early deadline and saying if it arrives after Election Day it doesn’t count is unnecessarily disenfranchising people when we have literal months before the President-elect takes office
We allow early voting for weeks, absentee voting, mail in ballots and Election Day voting. “Disenfranchisement” is a myth at this point. We can’t make it any easier. Either need to create an Election Day deadline or quarantine the ballots until days after Election Day and count everything at once.
Repubs are throwing everything against the wall hoping something will stick. When will they admit they just can’t handle losing? It’s the same as 4 years ago with Dems. It’s Repubs turn now to eat humble pie.
1) Eliminate 2 party system expand to 4 or 5
2) Highest office voted on by public is House of Reps
3) Senators appointed by Governors approved by State congress
4) President is leader of coalition majority
Multiple problems solved
Dems Bone of contention was proven to be a lie (Russian Dossier). All I ask is for the Repubs to be given a fair chance to provide evidence of the charges.
I have no problem loosing IF it is done fair and square.
1- register to vote
2- request a ballot
3- if you request a ballot your name is marked and you cannot vote Election Day.
4- if someone requested a ballot in your name and you show up on Election Day to vote. Dispute the mail in ballot and vote in person
5- all ballots counted on Election Day.
6- reps form all parties present at the count.
problem solved
That's how many countries govern it's called the parliamentary system Parliamentary SystemThis is a mess lol. The public gets no direct say in President or Senate? Oof
The cheating thats going on in this election is so ridiculous , sad and frightening. The Democratic party has become an evil machine that will stop at nothing to get the power that they want. So many shady things going on on all levels. All we as citizens ask for is a fair and honest election. I hope and pray enough people will fight this all the way to the bitter end.
1. How do you get dumps of 30,000 to 100,000 ballots in the middle of the night and 100 percent are Bidens.
2. How are dead people voting in Michigan and probably every other battleground state.
3. Why the lack of transparency when counting mail in ballots
4. Why did they just completely quit counting around 11 election night when they announced that stocks were soaring
5. How can Georgia be at 99 percent for 2 days and they just keep counting until Boden wins
6. Why have they been so quick to call races for Biden and so reluctant to call for Trump
7. Poll workers giving Republicans sharpies in Arizona so that their ballots can be thrown out
Hypatia (@HypatiaAscent) Tweeted:
@RealJamesWoods https://t.co/tOoN5sQY8A
An examination of the 2016 electorate, based on validated votersNope. Just find blue areas and population density isn't always in play. Increased violent crime always is. Want to know what else is blue has? Highest percentage of high school drop outs.
But go ahead and hang your fedora on "the more college degrees" trope because as we all know outside of that being based on nothing but unscientific hearsay nothing says you're smart like being $100,000 in debt with a psychology degree while pouring me a cup of coffee and dreaming of a $15 minimum wage. Its funny that you are living vicariously through a lie to try and recover your lost feeling of self worth, typical blue dot mentality.