2020 Presidential Race

I'm still thinking Trump pulls out GA, NC, and AZ and NV and PA go Biden...if that happens I would have gone 50/50 in this election. I also picked the Dems would go plus 1 or 2 in the Senate right now its plus 1...I'm ecstatic that the GOP is on pace to pick up 15 to 17 House seats...this might be the most divided Congress in history
You can use whatever term you want, but it’s some variant of “throwing out ballots cast on Election Day for completely arbitrary reasons.”

This is the Republican version of 2016 Democrats complaining about the Electoral College
I don’t think it’s partisan to want all the votes in the hopper before the count starts. Whether you’re a conspiracy theorist or not, counting large numbers ballots that come in after the count starts is going to make people whose candidate loses a tight race doubt the integrity of the system whether it’s warranted or not.
Emphasizing September is insanely stupid. In September we already knew mail-in voting would favor Democrats, just like in November. Pretending like this was some objective foresight as opposed to just playing politics is disingenuous as hell


The GOP legislatures set it up to count ballots late. That was their doing.

Now they use it as a platform to fabricate claims of mass voter fraud, which absolutely no one actually believes. And its all so Trump can create doubt and speculate and insinuate, and try to undermine the process THE REPUBLICANS in those states created.

You want to see fraud? Go look in the mirror, Trump.
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The GOP legislatures set it up to count ballots late. That was their doing.

Now they use it as a platform to fabricate claims of mass voter fraud, which absolutely no one actually believes. And its all so Trump can create doubt and speculate and insinuate, and try to undermine the process THE REPUBLICANS in those states created.

You want to see fraud? Go look in the mirror, Trump.
The Trump legal strategy is stupid and won’t matter. But they’re going to have to tighten up controls on mail in ballots to instill confidence.
I'm still thinking Trump pulls out GA, NC, and AZ and NV and PA go Biden...if that happens I would have gone 50/50 in this election. I also picked the Dems would go plus 1 or 2 in the Senate right now its plus 1...I'm ecstatic that the GOP is on pace to pick up 15 to 17 House seats...this might be the most divided Congress in history
Georgia is incredibly close. Like a thousand vote spread right now. Republicans had a good night and pretty much every toss up election in the Senate went your way. I'm pretty bummed about Collins being reelected. I was hoping we had seen the last of her. Nope.
Not crying and I'm far from a snowflake. Im just pointing out the obvious that you and everybody else on this board knows.
What that every legally cast ballot is being counted??
If there was fraud on the levels that you and others are saying a legitimate news source would be covering it. But keep clinging to your nut-job conspiracy theories. You must think the moon landing was a hoax and fake news.
I don’t think it’s partisan to want all the votes in the hopper before the count starts. Whether you’re a conspiracy theorist or not, counting large numbers ballots that come in after the count starts is going to make people whose candidate loses a tight race doubt the integrity of the system whether it’s warranted or not.

I guess of the options you presented I’d be more willing to start the count later than to throw away ballots postmarked by Election Day. I’m not sure a change is necessary though because this generally doesn’t apply to “large numbers of ballots” outside of a pandemic
See where Biden has pulled ahead in Georgia. Atlanta the cesspool did it. Will avoid spending any money there unless it is to get out there by buying gas or the only place to get a needed part.

Perdue going under 50% may spell doom for the Senate. The amount of money about to be poured into Georgia will dwarf what has been spent before in other races.
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Unlike Trump supporters, courts generally don’t just automatically back you if you play the victim hard enough
I don't disagree, but I will ask, where was this attitude 4 years ago when Trump won and Dems lost their mind? Pubs need to accept the outcome now, just as Dems should have accepted the outcome then, but we saw how that turned out. Collusion investigation, impeachment attempts, and lots and lots of crying. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, we see the hypocrisy of both sides shine through once more. Now Dems are wanting to accept the results (because they won) and Pubs are screaming burn the world (because they lost). It's just a reversal of roles. Neither side is showing grace in winning or losing.
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Election Day is the postmark deadline, which is how I understand most states handle absentee ballots and the method that makes by far the most sense to me. Setting an early deadline and saying if it arrives after Election Day it doesn’t count is unnecessarily disenfranchising people when we have literal months before the President-elect takes office

Anybody who is too lazy to vote in-person on election day deserves to be "disenfranchised." Absentee ballots should be extraordinarily limited and thoroughly scrutinized, provided only for the rarest of circumstances.
I don't disagree, but I will ask, where was this attitude 4 years ago when Trump won and Dems lost their mind? Pubs need to accept the outcome now, just as Dems should have accepted the outcome then, but we saw how that turned out. Collusion investigation, impeachment attempts, and lots and lots of crying. Now that the shoe is on the other foot, we see the hypocrisy of both sides shine through once more. Now Dems are wanting to accept the results (because they won) and Pubs are screaming burn the world (because they lost). It's just a reversal of roles. Neither side is showing grace in winning or losing.

I don’t disagree with this either. Each side is claiming that their argument is about “fairness” when it’s primarily about winning
1) Eliminate 2 party system expand to 4 or 5
2) Highest office voted on by public is House of Reps
3) Senators appointed by Governors approved by State congress
4) President is leader of coalition majority
Multiple problems solved

I like it but don’t see those changes being made to the constitution either
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We will not move on. We will fight with our president against corruption.

Any credible instances of fraud should be investigated. Which they will be. So I’m not sure why Rs are losing their minds?

I’m not sure what “fighting” you will be doing besides wishing really hard that they find widespread fraud, which is unlikely.

It is much more likely that the majority of people in this country are ready to move on from Trump and he will be a one term President.
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Here’s the deal. It’s just like in football and we’re probably all here to talk football so this analogy should resonate. A play occurred that was close to giving a first down and it needs to be reviewed as a coach has challenged the play. So what happens in that scenario? First, the play needs to finish. We aren’t finished counting votes. Second, the refs need to make a determination of what happened. Odds are that will be a Biden win. Third, the refs review the play to see if there’s clear evidence to overturn the play. This election is so close that a second look is necessary whether fraud was alleged or not. Since the coaching challenge alleged fraud there has to be clear evidence of it to overturn what occurred on the field. Odds are the refs will come back and say either the play is confirmed or the play stands. When that happens the coach that challenged the play moves on to the next play and the game continues. That’s what needs to happen here and what is likely to happen. If there is clear evidence the play needs to be changed then is it enough to give a first down or not? If not, you fix whatever was wrong, the end result is still no first down, and the game moves on. In other words, if there is fraud but it’s not enough to change the outcome then address the issue and move on.
Anybody who is too lazy to vote in-person on election day deserves to be "disenfranchised." Absentee ballots should be extraordinarily limited and thoroughly scrutinized, provided only for the rarest of circumstances.

Just to be clear, you’re saying absentee voters are lazy if they don’t fly in from other states or countries to vote in person on Election Day?
Repubs need to move on, accept Biden will be Pres, and fight again in 4 years.
Hopefully they do what I advocated Dems do all along and try to find a better, legit candidate for 2024. Dems failed to do so, rather choosing to waste time and money on trying to "get Trump", which left us stuck with Biden. Sure he won, but he's not a good candidate, and I think most Dems know that. I'm tired of elections that have nothing but bad choices.
1) Eliminate 2 party system expand to 4 or 5
2) Highest office voted on by public is House of Reps
3) Senators appointed by Governors approved by State congress
4) President is leader of coalition majority
Multiple problems solved

Any changes should involve ranked choice voting.
An absentee ballot deadline based on arrival by Election Day seems like it would lead to a scenario where there’s some USPS delay and it means a bunch of votes don’t count. Then we’d get lectures from people about how voters should have sent in their votes extra extra early if they wanted the vote to count. That’s a mess and there’s no counterbalancing benefit to it other than making the public feel slightly better
So a week after election doesn’t have the same problem? A month?

I agree with @GAVol
Pick a date.
When all votes are in you count them
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Any credible instances of fraud should be investigated. Which they will be. So I’m not sure why Rs are losing their minds?

I’m not sure what “fighting” you will be doing besides wishing really hard that they find widespread fraud, which is unlikely.

It is much more likely that the majority of people in this country are ready to move on from Trump and he will be a one term President.
The country is split right down the middle regardless if Trump is a 1 term president. I mean it sounds so simple just say the country is ready to move on but in reality there’s a huge divide.

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