2020 Presidential Race

Any credible instances of fraud should be investigated. Which they will be. So I’m not sure why Rs are losing their minds?

I’m not sure what “fighting” you will be doing besides wishing really hard that they find widespread fraud, which is unlikely.

It is much more likely that the majority of people in this country are ready to move on from Trump and he will be a one term President.

Ya know, that same kind of "fighting" the left has been doing the past several months. But, I guess that's all cool because it was the left.
Anybody who is too lazy to vote in-person on election day deserves to be "disenfranchised." Absentee ballots should be extraordinarily limited and thoroughly scrutinized, provided only for the rarest of circumstances.
Is it really an issue of laziness during a pandemic? And Republicans have done pretty well with the mail-in vote. It's probably a slight edge for Democrats, but not what we were expecting. Undecided voters went for Trump in a big way. Even more so than 2016. This was an incredibly close election.
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So a week after election doesn’t have the same problem? A month?

I agree with @GAVol
Pick a date.
When all votes are in you count them

There is a date. You have to cast your vote by Election Day and put it in the mail. Any dates based on receipt are going to either (a) throw out votes cast on Election Day as “too late” or (b) include votes cast after Election Day, which is obviously problematic
1) Eliminate 2 party system expand to 4 or 5
2) Highest office voted on by public is House of Reps
3) Senators appointed by Governors approved by State congress
4) President is leader of coalition majority
Multiple problems solved
How about do away with party system elect individuals based on platform.
Just to be clear, you’re saying absentee voters are lazy if they don’t fly in from other states or countries to vote in person on Election Day?

It depends on the circumstance, but I would say "yes" for the most part. Are you stationed overseas or working abroad for a lengthy/defined period of time? You may be eligible for an absentee ballot! Are you vacationing in Canada on November 3rd? Sorry, you've made your decision as to valuing travel over voting.

The situations you describe, for the record, do fall into the category of "rarest of circumstances" regardless; most absentee ballots are certainly not being submitted by people who quite literally cannot vote otherwise.
The country is split right down the middle regardless if Trump is a 1 term president. I mean it sounds so simple just say the country is ready to move on but in reality there’s a huge divide.

True - we are a very divided nation. And I used “majority” in a literal sense meaning more people will have voted for Biden than Trump. Didn’t mean to make it sound like it’s all one sided or a blowout
In a typical parliamentary system, Pelosi would be the head of government.
I'm okay with that....look at what happened this year...all the major Dem candidates dropped out before Super Tuesday it's not like the whole Dem country chose Biden as nominee...they really had no other choices..take the money out of it and expand ideology via more parties....a good start might be conservative, liberal, progressive, libertarian, and green
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Is it really an issue of laziness during a pandemic? And Republicans have done pretty well with the mail-in vote. It's probably a slight edge for Democrats, but not what we were expecting. Undecided voters went for Trump in a big way. Even more so than 2016. This was an incredibly close election.

This was an incredibly close election, and what's done is done; there's no sense (aside from attempting in vain to back your way into a victory) in trying to game the system via courts to prevent completely permitted mail-in votes after the fact. It was welcomed/above board in 2020, and Biden appears to have won this election legitimately.

Going forward, it's clear that this country does not have a great handle on mail-in voting and there's little sense in sustaining or expanding the practice in 2024 in an effort to appease people who are too lazy or disinterested to stand in line on election day.
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You know damn well what I'm talking about. Running around and causing chaos, hurting innocent people.

Hey conservatives on this board who always say “you don’t see the ‘right’ going around rioting and causing chaos”, I present you with Exhibit A: this 🤡.

Appears there are extreme characters on both sides. Who knew.
What that every legally cast ballot is being counted??
If there was fraud on the levels that you and others are saying a legitimate news source would be covering it. But keep clinging to your nut-job conspiracy theories. You must think the moon landing was a hoax and fake news.
Who, in today's world, is a "legitimate news source"? I'm not one of those screaming about fraud and I can accept Biden has won, but I don't buy legitimate news sources still exist. There is a definite media bias in this country. You're more likely to find Bigfoot than you are a "legitimate news source".
The Trump legal strategy is stupid and won’t matter. But they’re going to have to tighten up controls on mail in ballots to instill confidence.

That system exists because of Republican decision making. Besides, if they let Trumpsters sit 3 inches away and stomp their feet at every Biden ballot, it wouldn't matter. Plus, if they did, the Trumpsters would find something else to cry foul about.

Its over. Biden is going to be President in January.
It depends on the circumstance, but I would say "yes" for the most part. Are you stationed overseas or working abroad for a lengthy/defined period of time? You may be eligible for an absentee ballot! Are you vacationing in Canada on November 3rd? Sorry, you've made your decision as to valuing travel over voting.

The situations you describe, for the record, do fall into the category of "rarest of circumstances" regardless; most absentee ballots are certainly not being submitted by people who quite literally cannot vote otherwise.

I’d say that that logic suggests that military ballots mailed before Election Day that come in after Election Day should still be counted, since they’re not being “lazy”. At that point, to me there isn’t a great argument to treat absentee ballots differently
Hopefully they do what I advocated Dems do all along and try to find a better, legit candidate for 2024. Dems failed to do so, rather choosing to waste time and money on trying to "get Trump", which left us stuck with Biden. Sure he won, but he's not a good candidate, and I think most Dems know that. I'm tired of elections that have nothing but bad choices.

Trump is his own worst enemy. He can’t get out of his own way. It’s largely why he lost.
Hey conservatives on this board who always say “you don’t see the ‘right’ going around rioting and causing chaos”, I present you with Exhibit A: this 🤡.

Appears there are extreme characters on both sides. Who knew.
You advocated what the left was doing, so you can stfu and have a seat.
True - we are a very divided nation. And I used “majority” in a literal sense meaning more people will have voted for Biden than Trump. Didn’t mean to make it sound like it’s all one sided or a blowout
Yes, and it's a tribal divide. More people are voting straight down party tickets than ever before.
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1) Eliminate 2 party system expand to 4 or 5
2) Highest office voted on by public is House of Reps
3) Senators appointed by Governors approved by State congress
4) President is leader of coalition majority
Multiple problems solved
Number one is an issue with the populace. People have been taught that only two parties really matter. Not sure how you're going to overcome that brainwashing, and the two major parties aren't going to encourage competition.

The rest of your list would require amending the Constitution.
The country is split right down the middle regardless if Trump is a 1 term president. I mean it sounds so simple just say the country is ready to move on but in reality there’s a huge divide.

Both sides of the isle have pitched the word "unity" out there over the years. It doesn't exist, and thats not changing.
The country is split right down the middle regardless if Trump is a 1 term president. I mean it sounds so simple just say the country is ready to move on but in reality there’s a huge divide.
The divide has never been about Trump. It's always been about Republicans and Democrats, but it was easier for the left to blame Trump. The guy's a giant douche bag. But it's always been about politics. Dems screaming "it's Trump!" were always being disingenuous.
My gut tells me there was voter fraud just from watching several statistically improbable things happen consecutively all favoring Biden. Granted, that isn't proof in and of itself. If there was fraud, was it the determining factor? Maybe not. But any voter fraud in a close election will undermine confidence in the results. Either way, I think this one is over and we need to move on. For future elections, we need to make sure that these things don't happen. Who in their right mind could possibly be against having open and transparent vote counting? Hell, it ought to be recorded close up and live streamed on YouTube for every district. The only reason you could be against that is if you wanted to cheat while counting. And while we're at it, there has to be a better way of running the mail in voting process. It isn't nearly as secure as in person voting and needs to either be scrapped altogether or completely overhauled. If you are against that, it is can only be because you would like for your party to be able to cheat with it in the future.

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