What a bogus article. Trump was about to win on election night. The Dems realized it and made some phone calls to stop the counting. Then, what do we have? 138k "all Biden" votes injected into the MI voting system between 3 and 4AM along with other highly questionable shenanigans. Videos are starting to surface of poll workers dumping ballots in trash bags. Dead people voting. Then, there are the instances where observers were not permitted to witness vote counting. They even put up privacy barricades to prevent people from seeing what they were doing. So, yeah right, no fraud going on. Everything is on the up and up and transparent. If you believe that, I guess you were born yesterday.
The thing is, the Trump administration has known a long time that the Dems would not accept him being elected for a 2nd term and would do ANYTHING to prevent it. What we have seen as outsiders looking in is only the surface. This should all come out in court. Hopefully, this will all lead to massive election reform. There needs to be systems in place to prevent fraud and ensure that every legal vote is counted and every illegal vote is rejected.