2020 Presidential Race

Trump TV may very well be his next move.

But if it starts with a takeover of Fox News he will need to clean house. Keep Tucker and Dana and maybe Brett Baier and fire the rest of the “talent”.

Can't fire Martha McCallum or Jesse Waters & Katie Pavlich & a few more. But fire Juan Williams first for sure.
That is what happens with an archaic system like the EC.

It really shouldn't be that close. Trump got 4 million less votes.
Did you take any history classes in school? Do you understand the reason behind the electoral college? What is the difference between a republic and a democratic system of government? I have rocks in my yard smarter than you.
And now, under Biden, those peopl will still be dead, but at least he'll ruin our economy to pretend like he's doing something about the virus.
Or maybe unlike his predecessor he'll work towards a plan for handling it better than we have as a country so far.
And now, under Biden, those peopl will still be dead, but at least he'll ruin our economy to pretend like he's doing something about the virus.
I kinda think you'll see the Dems flip on rona come next Feb if Biden wins. It's easy to make claims when you have no authority to take action.

The last thing they want is for the economy to do worse following not just a R administration but a Trump administration. The media will likely pull back on the Covid coverage to help Biden along. The total cases/death count will be replaced with active cases only or removed completely. A Biden admin won't get the same pressure to act that Trump has.
I hope you guys will eventually realize that you’re being taken for a ride on this fraud stuff.

Will discuss once the Trump cases alleging fraud all get dismissed and the electoral college has done its thing and Biden, presumably, really is the president elect.

I'm sure you are aware that knowing there is fraud and proving there is fraud are two very different animals. If it were easy, prosecutors wouldn't negotiate settlements for lesser penalties. Do I know there is fraud? Let's just say I have doubts about honesty and security in a lax voting system.
Or maybe unlike his predecessor he'll work towards a plan for handling it better than we have as a country so far.

You will no longer see a counter on CNN etc.

The virus will suddenly become not nearly as lethal.

He will ask for nationwide mask but no mandate.

And by Feb covid will be a distant memory.

Dems no longer need covid.
Did you take any history classes in school? Do you understand the reason behind the electoral college? What is the difference between a republic and a democratic system of government? I have rocks in my yard smarter than you.

Well, when James Madison made his opposing argument against popular vote, this was his rationale: “The right of suffrage was much more diffusive [i.e., extensive] in the Northern than the Southern States; and the latter could have no influence in the election on the score of Negroes.”
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Common sense isn’t really your strong suit is it bigclownmick
Wow i've been skewered. I am no Thomas Paine but I got plenty of common sense. I am sure if you were to ask Greenspan why the market reacted so positively the last few days he would say *checks notes* the GOP has a good chance to maintain control of the senate. You aren't even a clown, you got a clown college rejection letter.
Yep, we know what his plan is. Stay home, close schools, restaurants, businesses, hunker down while the economy dies. I can't wait.
Rampant suicide, abuse, drug use, worldwide starvation to follow, all for a virus with a 99.99% survival rate.
You will no longer see a counter on CNN etc.

The virus will suddenly become not nearly as lethal.

He will ask for nationwide mask but no mandate.

And by Feb covid will be a distant memory.

Dems no longer need covid.
Well shoot...I can't support any of that. The only plan I will accept from him is one that ignores the science and proclaims that "we're rounding the corner!!!"
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You will no longer see a counter on CNN etc.

The virus will suddenly become not nearly as lethal.

He will ask for nationwide mask but no mandate.

And by Feb covid will be a distant memory.

Dems no longer need covid.
I really hope that you are correct and that the dems won't just be power hungry like Newsome, Gretch, and Cuomo are. I'd rather them give Joementia credit and let us move on with our lives than destroy our country like they have tried to do the last 4 years to get Trump out
You will no longer see a counter on CNN etc.

The virus will suddenly become not nearly as lethal.

He will ask for nationwide mask but no mandate.

And by Feb covid will be a distant memory.

Dems no longer need covid.
But why are other countries still dealing with Covid? Why are football games being cancelled because of Covid? Why are people dying of Covid?

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