Potentially saw a "glitch" that could have cost Trump votes in any of the Dominion software votes.
According to the Dominion user manual: "With the Party Preference contest, the voter selects their preferred party, and any contests which do not belong to the same Elector Group are ignored when the ballot is cast."
IOW, all one would have to do to rob people of their votes for Trump would be to register him in that system as a "RepubIican" candidate, and anyone voting straight Republican ticket would NOT have voted for Trump.
I'll write the registration in all lowercase to expose why: repubiican. This is the same types of domain shenanigans used in many phishing attacks, etc... IOW, it's a well known tactic known in the hacking world.
I don't know what kind of logging these machines keep, but if they retain the party affiliation each candidate is programmed to, it would be an easy find that would flip votes. This is just to show how easy it would be to misuse election software, and how specific the evidence would be for flipping #s.
Note that a hack like this one could cost any/all candidates on either ticket. You could possibly list all candidates in the "asshat" party, and anyone who's selected their true party and voted for them would have thrown out their vote for them because the didn't choose the "asshat" party as their preferred party.